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Corrupt Mayor Clicker

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Game Description

It's a clicker game in that you are a corrupt mayor. Your main objective it's amass a fortune in your swiss bank account. You can do this by recolecting bills like a mad person or make contracts "not enough" legal and taking a wide variety of decisions.
-Amass a "obscene" quantity of money. (Really obscene)
-Make "not enough legal" contracts. (Slott in, bribe...)
-Take political, personal or moral decision. (Blame the previous goverment, bribe judges...)
-Discover more than 60 "real" politician quotes. ("It's time for the human race to enter the solar system.","I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully.","When the president does it, that means it's not illegal."...)
-Make nothing legal contracts. (Drug dealers agreement, weapons traffic...)
-Get a bank statement from your Swiss account and share it. Flash your money around. (Don't show to judge)
-Use different types of bills and obtain all of them. (It's better if you have a lot of them)

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