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Civ Builder, Idler, IncrementalFill Up The Hole is a game where you help peons create as much garbage as possible and toss it into a hole. Watch your village grow and evolve as you unlock visual upgrades and new features.
Idler, IncrementalFill casts to make various products in your factory. Unlock new products as you increase production. Advertise to sell more products & donate unsold items to trigger bonus events. Hire managers to work for you & sit idle as your empire grows Prestige for better event bonuses, item prices & to increase multiple factory limits.
Clicker, Idler, IncrementalIn Infinite Cosmos you are the newly appointed Planetary Development Director for the United Federation! Your assignment is constructing new habitats on extraterrestrial planets for the betterment of humanity. In this role you’re in charge of building and improving unique sectors of the habitats as well as managing off-world research departments dedicated to advancing humankind’s prosperity in the universe!Upgrade your planet’s sectors, install extensions, and perform system updates to advance humankind faster and further than ever before!You mostly do this via the bottom button on each sector. The upgrade multiplier button just to the right of the wealth bar at the top of the screen allows you to make improvements to each sector in bulk.The number on the specialist map panel indicates your current recruits. Request a planetary reassignment to convert them into specialists. Specialists always give an inherent output bonus, but can also be assigned to nodes in the specialist map, increasing your performance even further!The statistics panel can be a helpful tool in determining what sectors you might be interested in improving next. The bar chart is a normalized representation of the output per second of each sector. The smallest being the lowest per second, the largest being the highest per second, and all the other proportionately in between.Clicking the cog icon in the upper-left corner will open the settings menu. Here you can view save information or manage your settings.Good luck, have fun, and thank you for playing!
Idler, IncrementalWelcome to Idle Quest – light and funny idle quests sim.Learn Skills, Make Quests, Have Fun and don’t forget to upvote.
Idler, IncrementalSimple derivative idle game. Purchase units with Magic and lower units, new units generate lower tier units in addition to magic. Utilize upgrades and milestones for big bonuses.
IdlerHelp Bloop, the curious slime in his adventures. Train, upgrade and overcome various obstacles in pursuit for knowledge and treasures, conquer a mysterious dungeon and harness its powers in Bloop Adventure Idle!
Clicker, IdlerHarvest and sell the grass on your farm with the help of your animal companions!
Idler, RPGA speed run roguelite based on rapid loot decisions.
Clicker, Idler, Incremental, RPGUpgrades unlock as you progress. Make sure to read the tool-tips for more info or refer to the in-game help found in the System menu.
Clicker, IdlerClick the cookie repeatedly and save the world!
Clicker, Idler, IncrementalRun, Click, Idle, Prestige to achieve the speed of light!The main currency is the Experience, which you gain as you run. You can buy upgrades with it to run faster and longer. Also don’t forget to keep and eye on the environment to click the chests and get the additional reward!
Clicker, Idler, Incremental, MergerTons of blocks, tons of upgrades, multiple prestige layers etc.Drag blocks on top of each other to merge them and increase their tier and income.
Idler, IncrementalIf, unfortunately for you, you were not born a Great Master of the brush of the Renaissance, then Aspiring artist 2 is chance to fulfill a dream!This is an idle game. Whole point is to upgrade paint and skills to draw faster and progress further until you reach the end. Reset your game if you feel that your progress is stuck.
Clicker, Idler, IncrementalMake toys for Christmas to supply around globe. Unlock new toys, hire managers, increase production & prestige.
You Can Try These Idle Games
RPGAs one of the first RPG incremental clickers, Clickpocalypse fleshes out its gameplay quite a long way. From multiple characters in your party to a massive range of items and enemies, the game provides an in depth, detailed experience.CharactersThere are a range of characters available to choose from. Each of these characters has special abilities or traits that affect how they are played in the game. Each character type has a unique list of equipment that they can use, with varying abilities tied to them.The list of characters is as follows:MousePaladinClericPirateThiefGunslingerLawyerBarbarianRangerWizardWiseguyNinjaLegionaryCheerleaderEffectsCharacter effects modify a number of different aspects about the game. These include some of the following:Increase manual attack damageIncrease the frequency of shop respawnsIncrease experience gainIncrease gold dropsIncrease rare item dropsIncrease rare items in shopIncrease higher level itemsIncrease part damage for a number of secondsIncrease the odds of higher level enemiesInstantly stock the shopMake shop items cheaperReduce enemy defencesIncrease the quantity of items in the shopGain extra items from combatThese effects can be activated individually by clicking their respective titles when they become available. Their effects are generally timed and have a cool down period to prevent spamming them.EventsOccasionally, events will occur during combat. These can include finding chests with a stash of equipment in them, finding mechanical pieces, finding ancient artifacts, encountering a new character, accepting a quest, or entering a boss lair. Each of these comes with their own unique gameplay implications.EquipmentThere is a huge list of equipment available in the game, and each item is tailored to its paired character. For example, the Mouse character may be able to equip a Left Mouse Button, while a thief may equip a Lockpick. This does mean that equipment cannot be shared between characters, though the store and item drops will only provide items that you can use.In addition to the standard equipment, artifacts can be found. Things such as "Ancient Idol" can be collected during gameplay and provide additional permanent effects to the game. These are similar to the character effects above.QuestsThese will appear occasionally and consist of requests such as "Kill 10 Chimeras". Upon completion, the player is rewarded for their efforts and the quest is recorded.
Clicker, IdlerClick to make music. Collect karma and buy better sounding bells!
Civ BuilderGreetings generals! I am Queen Catherine von Conqueror the Fourth and I will conquer the world. Of course no conquering is successful without a good general. You will be my general! I-I mean I just think you will do a good job and serve my country Touria well so don’t get the wrong idea!The other countries have strong armies and well trained troops. But I do not care about that because I have a secret that they do not have fufufu! Dark knights will join Touria and I need your help to make them grow! Soon, our dark knight armies will overrun their pathetic countries and Touria will rule the world!Will you join Touria and help me conquer the world? You will rule the world together with me!Your goal is to conquer the world by buying as much as you can, gaining as many dark knights as you can and resetting so that they join your nation forever!Do you have what it takes to rule the world with Queen Catherine?