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Clicker, RPG

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Game Description

You are in a world with chickens, you started to kill those chickens, make swords and nuggets with their meats, trade the meats with trader, or eat chicken nuggets to gain skills, till you go into chickenverse, killing more chickens, get more types of chickens, only to achieve your goal: eating ruby chicken nuggets Thanks to redditors on fb friday thread that have given feedbacks and play the game

Slaying chickens provides the player with the basic resources in the game: chicken meat. This can then be processed into hardened chicken meat or chicken nuggets. As the player progresses, they are provided with the ability to purchase upgrades and equipment to allow them to produce resources faster and to convert these resources into further resources.

Once the player has unlocked combat, they are permitted to travel to manually kill chickens. There are a range of chickens available, for each of the associated resources, as well as glitched chickens. The latter create a strange effect that detriments the player, and should be avoided (making chickens disappear randomly while in combat). It is also important to note that the player should take nuggets with them, otherwise they will run out of food and will be taken back to the main game screen.

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