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Rat Clicker

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Game Description

Kill rats to gather xp and gold. XP raises your level and awards you skill points, gold can be spent on hiring minions to kill rats for you. Gather better equipment, health and mana potions, and eventually craft and use magic.

* click rats to gain exp and gold
* clicked rats deal you damange
* if your life reaches 1 - you lose your gold
* health is replenishing slowly
* potions are dropping - drink them to restore health and mana
* buy minions for gold, they attack for you but also die automatically (except dragons, dragons are immortal)
* items are dropping, yellow ones(rare) are rarer and have chance to roll better stats than magic(blue) ones, legendary items are even more powerful
* demonic items can only be crafted
* equip staff to enable magic
* you gain attrubutes to spend every 3 levels
* defence decreases rats' damage
* damage increases number of rats killed per click
* magic unlocks different spells, increases their power and reduces mana costs
* rats grow stronger every 10 levels
* luck increases legendary item drop chance, 100 luck unlocks crafting
* there are 6 crafting materials: magic coal, evil eye, scorpion claw, frog leg, angel feather (drop when crafting unlocked)
* hotkeys: spells - 1,2,3,4,5 ; health potion(Q), mana potion (W)
* demonic items are made from magic(blue) item + coal + other material
* demonic item's power is based on magic(blue) item's power used to craft it
* potion transmutation: 2 x magic gloves + magic staff (requires 20 health potions) = 20 mana potions

Health and Mana
The health bar provides a cooldown effect on killing rats manually, providing you with 100 health total. While this total health cannot be upgraded, the player can improve the number of clicks by increasing their defense and offense using skill points, meaning that rats do less damage to the player, and the player kills more rats per click. Furthermore, equipment can modify these figures. If the player's health drops to 1, the player will lose all gold that they have collected up until that point.
Mana is awarded once the player has managed to equip a staff. The level of the staff denotes the level of spells that the player can use. Each spell provides a different effect, from increasing the player's attack abilities to preventing the rats from hitting back for a specified period of time.

There are 5 equipment slots available to the player: weapon, armour, helmet, staff, and gloves. Each of these provides a bonus to a particular stat. For example, a weapon will increase the damage stat of the player, meaning that more rats can be killed per click. As the player's level increases, so too does the level of items that drop.
The player can also collect potions: health and mana. These will increase the current amount of health or mana that the player has, meaning that they don't need to wait for these to refill naturally.

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