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Most Played Idle IdleCraft Games
Clicker, IdlerClick your way to the middle of the Minecraft world, buy upgrades and mine the world! Clicker, IdlerClick your way to the middle of the Minecraft world, buy upgrades and mine the world!
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ClickerClicking the central hexagon allows points to be accrued that can be spent on buying automatic hexagons that will gather points for you. The hexagons can be upgraded to produce faster, and can be sold and replaced with higher tier hexagons. Upgrade hexagons can also be placed that will double the output of adjacent matching automatic hexagons for a limited time.LevellingVersion 0.2 introduced a levelling system whereby the player can choose to either farm points or use them to kill the next level monsters. With each kill, points are awarded to the player that can be spent normally on upgrades or buying new hexas. The update also included bosses that must be defeated every 5 levels. In contrast to normal levels, where 10 of each enemy must be killed, only one kill is needed. The boss will have higher health and a limited time to kill it. RPGThe player works in a gold factory and must use their wages to purchase items to use in an RPG style game. The player can gather gold in a number of ways, by either helping their boss (killing rats or solving cryptograms) or performing tasks such as killing thieves while digging a hole. The game expands as the player progresses, allowing them to purchase swords for fighting, shovels for digging, or converting their gold bars into iron bars for other uses.The game was inspired by Candy Box and A Dark Room, and the styles of both of those games shine in this clicker.External LinksReddit Clicker, IdlerThis is a dual resource basic clicker that is themed around Reddit's posting/upvoting system. It's made in Orteil's Idle Game Maker and is not affiliated with the game Reddit Clicker.