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Progress Knight

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Idler, Incremental

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Game Description

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Progress Knight is a life-sim incremental based in a fantasy/medieval setting, where you must progress through the career ladder and acquire new skills to become the ultimate being.

You first start off as a beggar, barely being able to feed yourself as the days go by. However, over the years you learn new skills and gain plenty of work experience to enter new high paying jobs while managing your living expenses...

Will you decide to take the easy route of doing simple commoner work? Or will you go through harsh training to climb the ranks within the military? Or maybe will you decide to study hard and enrol in a magic academy, learning life-impacting spells? Your career path is open-ended, the decision is up to you.

Eventually, your age will catch up to you. You will be given an option to prestige and gain xp multipliers (based on the performance of your current life) for your next life at the cost of losing all your levels and assets. Fear not though, as you will re-gain your levels much, much more quickly than in your previous life...

Click on the progress bars to assign the current skill/job you would like to learn/work.

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