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Space Lich Omega

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Game Description

Space Lich Omega is an incremental RPG using ASCII art. It was inspired by aniweys Candy Box. The game progresses through a series of locations and provides a number of loot items to improve the player's character in a number of ways.

Combat is performed by selecting a location to visit, then waiting as the player's character moves across the screen, fighting enemies as it encounters them. The player is represented by a "Y", while enemies take a number of different appearances. Combat is automated, but allows the player to use potions or spells to affect the field of play. Potions for health and mana are available, while spells can be used to freeze the game field, return the player to the start of the level, berserk to inflict higher damage, or shield to protect the player for a short period of time. Items can be dropped during these levels, but loot is mainly restricted to money.

The Factory
This is where money and gunk production can be automated. Money requires gears to be inserted to improve the production per second, while gunk requires batteries. Gunk and money can be combined to improve the player's maximum health.

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