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New Idle Clicker Games
Clicker, IdlerBorrow money.Buy animals, at least two of each species.Wait for them to breed.Sell some.Buy other animals.Pay back your debt before the cumulative interest gets too high.Be patient.Get badges.Reset after a while to get a special bonus.
Clicker, IdlerHey, I'm making this as revition because some people don't understand this.Anyway, Cookie Clicker is a game where you click cookie and buy buildings to help you produce Cookies! Over 20+ prestige upgrades, 10+ buildings, 150+ upgrades, and 150+ achievements! Can you get everything?
Civ Builder, ClickerSettlement is the first game developed by S. J. Vellenga. It is an attempt to bring the classic RTS (Real-Time Strategy) genre into the clicking world by allowing players to control resource production through micro management, settlement management and expansion, trade, and eventually, combat.The game has since been abandoned to make way for a PHP based multiplayer version of the game, allowing for playing anywhere and player interaction including combat and trade. The original game is still available, but it will no longer be updated.DevelopmentDevelopment started in early 2014, with the first prototype being released around May of the same year. It was intended for early alpha testers only, and was received fairly well. After a fair amount of feedback, the game was overhauled, providing a new interface for players to interact with, and a better gaming experience. The previous split list system, providing a separated list of workers and buildings, was scrapped in favor of the new combined list system.The project was again overhauled several months later to provide yet another change in the way users interacted with the game. The combined list was adjusted yet again, allowing for buildings to be stacked. Buildings could then be upgraded from an earlier level to the next tier, saving both space and time searching for these upgrades. The trade system was introduced around this time, allowing for players to expand from their settlements and find new locations with richer resources and trade between them.MechanicsThe game revolves mostly around the production of resources. Early resources, such as logs, can then be processed further into planks, which can be used to produce more complex buildings. Some resources, such as coal, tin and copper, can be combined to create complex resources like bronze. As the game progresses, the list grows longer.Ages take a major role in determining the current place in the game. There are currently nine ages accessible, ranging from nomads to space age, though more are planned. Each age will unlock a number of new resources, workers, buildings, and more.Settlement locations provide a way of limiting the number of resources a player actively has access to. Some resources, such as food, stone, and logs, are available in every location (as they are vital to progression), while others, such as iron or uranium, are strictly limited by location. Furthermore, resources can have low or high production rates, giving the player the choice of taking a smaller deposit in favor of convenience.FutureThe future of the game is bright, with the developer actively working on new content and updates. It has been announced that new features including disease and disasters are on their way, and will be implemented as an optional gameplay element, meaning that each new game can be tailored to suit the experience of the player. Further additions, such as automated trade, a NG+ (new game plus) system, combat, and more, have also been announced, but a release window for these have not yet been published.
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ClickerThis game provides a simplified gangster experience, allowing you to fire bullets for money and hire workers to handle it for you. Eventually, you'll be able to trade in weed and meth to increase your income. Upgrades aplenty, this game is still just a prototype at this stage.
ClickerWhat will make you the most rich person in the world? Gold is the answer!Build and upgrade your Gold Mines and just in an hour you can sit back and watch how you get more and more gold!And don’t forget to get back once a while to upgrade everything to get even more gold income!
Clicker, RPGSlay Monsters. Get Xp. Recruit Men. Get Gold. Get Fame.
Clicker, IdlerThe only way is DOWN is this festive Holiday remix of the popular Clicker Digger.Dig up treasure, hire diggers to dig for you – visit the museum and upgrade your equipment!Start at the presumed mythical location of Santa’s toy workshop, then work your way to Eygpt, the Jungle and then on inevitably TO THE MOON!