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Civ Builder, Clicker, RPG

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Game Description

Helixteus is a unique strategy/idle space game with a lot of content.

Manage your home planet, build buildings and send spaceships to other planets to fight the enemies in order to conquer the planet in this infinite universe.

Research 36 types of sciences, collect 215 achievements, fight 7 tiers of enemies, discover 11 different classes of stars, own 7 different types of planets, accumulate 4 completely different  but essential types of resources and build 5 different tiers of ships to raze the enemies with your strategy whether it be a pure attack power or above-average defense.

A very in-depth game with tons of content for you to enjoy for weeks on end if you are the addicted type! To fuel your motivation, compete for highscores in 16 different statistics in the game.

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