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New Idle RPG Games

Hacker Experience

Hacker Experience - Play Idle Game
Clicker, MMO, RPGHacker Experience is a browser-based hacking simulation game, where you play the role of a hacker seeking for money and power.Play online against other users from all the globe on an exciting battle to see who can conquer the Internet.Hack, install viruses, research better software, complete missions, steal money from bank accounts and much more.


CraftClicker - Play Idle Game
Clicker, RPGA Minecraft themed incremental, you're tasked with gathering resources and crafting them into tools etc to progress. It provides an almost RPG style element to the game that sets it apart from the rest.


RobotPet - Play Idle Game
Idler, RPGFind parts to use for your robot and FIGHT! There are lots of different items and rarities to find and make yourself stronger. This game has an idle feature but also allows you to play without idling.  There are abilities you can use and you can also direct where your robot goes.

Endless Battle

Endless Battle - Play Idle Game
Clicker, Idler, RPGClick to battle enemies endlessly and gather gold to be spent on upgrading your equipment, level, or the level of monster that you're fighting. You can complete quests as they appear, check out your current equipment and sell off excess loot, and hire mercenaries to fight and gather gold for you (that is spent on mercenaries).

Epic Creature Hunter

Epic Creature Hunter - Play Idle Game
Clicker, Idler, RPGClick to kill 90+ monsters.

Idle Slayer

Idle Slayer - Play Idle Game
Clicker, RPGSlay Monsters. Get Xp. Recruit Men. Get Gold. Get Fame.


CRAWL - Play Idle Game
Clicker, RPGCRAWL is a survival RPG clicker that places you inside an abandoned mineshaft with the ultimate goal of escaping alive.

Realm of Decay

Realm of Decay - Play Idle Game
Idler, RPGAn RPG that allows you to level up your skills, buy new equipment, and more.

Idle Necromancer

Idle Necromancer - Play Idle Game
Clicker, Idler, RPGBegin your quest to become the greatest necromancer, by spawning minions, start by clicking the spawn 1 under the skeleton. Now you will see your necromancer slowly gaining power, use that power to spawn more minions, and keep going, to become the greatest necromancer.


HeroVille - Play Idle Game
Clicker, RPGAs an RPG, this game provides a number of options. As you improve your tent, you can hire more heroes, assigning them to jobs to gather resources, trawl through dungeons, or create potions. Dungeons can be improved to provide greater loot to your heroes.

Monster Box

Monster Box - Play Idle Game
Clicker, RPGSomewhat of an RPG, the game requires you to level up your character to take on ever strong monsters. Your character doesn't have health, so dying is not an issue. With each kill comes more cash which can be spent on upgrades.

Rat Clicker

Rat Clicker - Play Idle Game
RPGKill rats to gather xp and gold. XP raises your level and awards you skill points, gold can be spent on hiring minions to kill rats for you. Gather better equipment, health and mana potions, and eventually craft and use magic.Instructions* click rats to gain exp and gold* clicked rats deal you damange* if your life reaches 1 - you lose your gold* health is replenishing slowly* potions are dropping - drink them to restore health and mana* buy minions for gold, they attack for you but also die automatically (except dragons, dragons are immortal)* items are dropping, yellow ones(rare) are rarer and have chance to roll better stats than magic(blue) ones, legendary items are even more powerful* demonic items can only be crafted* equip staff to enable magic* you gain attrubutes to spend every 3 levels* defence decreases rats' damage* damage increases number of rats killed per click* magic unlocks different spells, increases their power and reduces mana costs* rats grow stronger every 10 levels* luck increases legendary item drop chance, 100 luck unlocks crafting* there are 6 crafting materials: magic coal, evil eye, scorpion claw, frog leg, angel feather (drop when crafting unlocked)* hotkeys: spells - 1,2,3,4,5 ; health potion(Q), mana potion (W)* demonic items are made from magic(blue) item + coal + other material* demonic item's power is based on magic(blue) item's power used to craft it* potion transmutation: 2 x magic gloves + magic staff (requires 20 health potions) = 20 mana potionsHealth and ManaThe health bar provides a cooldown effect on killing rats manually, providing you with 100 health total. While this total health cannot be upgraded, the player can improve the number of clicks by increasing their defense and offense using skill points, meaning that rats do less damage to the player, and the player kills more rats per click. Furthermore, equipment can modify these figures. If the player's health drops to 1, the player will lose all gold that they have collected up until that point.Mana is awarded once the player has managed to equip a staff. The level of the staff denotes the level of spells that the player can use. Each spell provides a different effect, from increasing the player's attack abilities to preventing the rats from hitting back for a specified period of time.EquipmentThere are 5 equipment slots available to the player: weapon, armour, helmet, staff, and gloves. Each of these provides a bonus to a particular stat. For example, a weapon will increase the damage stat of the player, meaning that more rats can be killed per click. As the player's level increases, so too does the level of items that drop.The player can also collect potions: health and mana. These will increase the current amount of health or mana that the player has, meaning that they don't need to wait for these to refill naturally.External LinksFacebook


Chickens! - Play Idle Game
Clicker, RPGYou are in a world with chickens, you started to kill those chickens, make swords and nuggets with their meats, trade the meats with trader, or eat chicken nuggets to gain skills, till you go into chickenverse, killing more chickens, get more types of chickens, only to achieve your goal: eating ruby chicken nuggets Thanks to redditors on fb friday thread that have given feedbacks and play the gameChickensSlaying chickens provides the player with the basic resources in the game: chicken meat. This can then be processed into hardened chicken meat or chicken nuggets. As the player progresses, they are provided with the ability to purchase upgrades and equipment to allow them to produce resources faster and to convert these resources into further resources.CombatOnce the player has unlocked combat, they are permitted to travel to manually kill chickens. There are a range of chickens available, for each of the associated resources, as well as glitched chickens. The latter create a strange effect that detriments the player, and should be avoided (making chickens disappear randomly while in combat). It is also important to note that the player should take nuggets with them, otherwise they will run out of food and will be taken back to the main game screen.

Clicker Heroes

Clicker Heroes - Play Idle Game
Clicker, Idler, RPGClicker Heroes is a game developed as a side project from a larger game already in production. It borrows the art assets from it and implements simple clicker style gameplay. As such, it's a high quality graphical interface that provides a number of workers, upgrades, and achievements with a large amount of gameplay.External LinksRedditTwitter

Anti Idle The Game

Anti Idle The Game - Play Idle Game
RPGA:TG (the proper abbreviation, of course) defies categorization into a single heading. There's an idle aspect as a baseline, of course, but there's also clicking (the button machine,) RPG aspects (the Battle Arena,) an Arcade mode, a collectable card game, and a number of other little features.The "anti" part comes into play with the bonuses you can get for actively playing certain features versus idling; active play in the Battle Arena lets you hit harder, actively harvesting the garden means you don't have to spend rare blue coins to do so, and actively fishing means you use your stamina more effectively.

Battle Without End

Battle Without End - Play Idle Game
Idler, RPGIf you are tired of wasting your time grinding in MMOs, try this. This is an IDLE RPG for you to kill time. But also more interaction than common idle games.It contains all the elements of a RPG game, even more than ordinary.- Races- Skills(decide how powerful you are)- Equipment(with entirely random stats)- A Blacksmithing system to upgrade your equipment with success rate- Rebirth system(level doesn’t mean everything)- No player class(let your skills decide what you are good at)

You Can Try These Idle Games

Swarm Simulator

Swarm Simulator - Play Idle Game
IdlerStarting with only a few larvae and a small pile of meat, build a merciless swarm of trillions of giant bugs.SubredditSource code

Farm of Souls

Farm of Souls - Play Idle Game
Clicker, IdlerMake people die the happiest deaths to harvest the most souls, then use the souls to upgrade others so they may die even happier.


Writer - Play Idle Game
Clicker, IdlerYou aspire to write the next greatest novel.

Giant Shaft Enterprises

Giant Shaft Enterprises - Play Idle Game
IdlerBuilding a giant enterprise is the aim of this game, where employees can be hired to earn you money and upgrades can be bought to improve their efficiency. The game is relatively simple, providing a list of achievements and a prestige system to improve the quality of future play throughs.