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Most Played Idle Javascript/HTML5 Games

Merry Clickmas

Merry Clickmas - Play Idle Game
Clicker, IdlerMake presents for everyone in the world and save Christmas!

Cookie Clicker

Cookie Clicker - Play Idle Game
Clicker, IdlerHey, I'm making this as revition because some people don't understand this.Anyway, Cookie Clicker is a game where you click cookie and buy buildings to help you produce Cookies! Over 20+ prestige upgrades, 10+ buildings, 150+ upgrades, and 150+ achievements! Can you get everything?

Idle Mine: Remix

Idle Mine: Remix - Play Idle Game
Clicker, IdlerEarn money by mining an infinite amount of different minerals. Buy different Upgrades, craft Pickaxes and follow the story. Reach limitless amounts of resources. Earn money even when you’re away.Click the Mineral to damage it. Buy Upgrades to progress. The story provides you with additional help.Inspired by Crovies Idle Mine.

Pizza Barrel Llama

Pizza Barrel Llama - Play Idle Game
Clicker, IdlerHigh fives all around!


iMonkey - Play Idle Game
Clicker, IdlerA monkey with a typewriter and an infinite amount of time will eventually write out the complete works of Shakespeare.Use Banana Bills to purchase iMonkeys to type for you. Select a text for your primates to type out. When your monkeys type out the first letter from the original, the letter moves up into the typed field.

Scholar Clicker

Scholar Clicker - Play Idle Game
ClickerThis game takes a little bit of a turn away from the traditional incremental style. It starts out by presenting you with a series of buttons with garbled text, which when clicked, gradually teach you to read. The game progresses by allowing you to learn different skills as your "character" ages.

Idle IdleGameDev

Idle IdleGameDev - Play Idle Game
Idler, IncrementalIn Idle Idle Gamedev, you have the opportunity to create various idle games while going idle.Different unlockable Jobs4 Stats with 9 Skills eachMany Items and Research to unlockReset the game to Skill special skillsTry a challenge to unlock more skillsMany Achievements

Kitty Clicker

Kitty Clicker - Play Idle Game
ClickerClick kitties to get meows!

Beat the villain

Beat the villain - Play Idle Game
ClickerBeat the villain is an idle/clicker game where you have to beat the villains by clicking on them. You can count on you allies and your bat family to help you in your fights !

Pyramid Clicker

Pyramid Clicker - Play Idle Game
Clicker, IdlerAnother Cookie Clicker clone.

Spookie Clicker

Spookie Clicker - Play Idle Game
Clicker, IdlerA Ghost Busters inspired clicker, the game is still very early in development. There are three upgrades available at present.

Doge Miner 2

Doge Miner 2 - Play Idle Game
Clicker, Idler, IncrementalHelp the doge to mine resources and go to the moon!


SharkBanana - Play Idle Game
Clicker, IdlerClick to collect SharkBanana and upgrade idle stuffs.

Smile Click :)

Smile Click :) - Play Idle Game
Clicker, IdlerIts good to smile :D

You Can Try These Idle Games

Spell Idle 3

Spell Idle 3 - Play Idle Game
IdlerThe spell idle 3, you need to develop your spells to become the greatest power in the world. All sorts of improvements and amplification will help you in this task.

Idle Benching

Idle Benching - Play Idle Game
Clicker, IdlerBenchpress to gain reps to spend on upgrades.

Corrupt Mayor Clicker

Corrupt Mayor Clicker - Play Idle Game
ClickerIt's a clicker game in that you are a corrupt mayor. Your main objective it's amass a fortune in your swiss bank account. You can do this by recolecting bills like a mad person or make contracts "not enough" legal and taking a wide variety of decisions.Features:-Amass a "obscene" quantity of money. (Really obscene)-Make "not enough legal" contracts. (Slott in, bribe...)-Take political, personal or moral decision. (Blame the previous goverment, bribe judges...)-Discover more than 60 "real" politician quotes. ("It's time for the human race to enter the solar system.","I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully.","When the president does it, that means it's not illegal."...)-Make nothing legal contracts. (Drug dealers agreement, weapons traffic...)-Get a bank statement from your Swiss account and share it. Flash your money around. (Don't show to judge)-Use different types of bills and obtain all of them. (It's better if you have a lot of them)

TF2 Idler

TF2 Idler - Play Idle Game
IdlerA game based on Team Fortress 2. If you know it, you will understand mechanics of game easily. All you have to do is to get hats. As many hats as possible. Tons of hats. Millions of hats. In short, you idle on a server, get weapons, destroy them to get metal, sell metal, get money. You will acquire locked crates. You open them by buying keys. One in a while, you’ll find a precious hat in one of those crates. And you will be happy. Oh, I almost forgot about one fun additional feature: game allows Steam login and comparing results with others.