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Top Rated Idle Javascript/HTML5 Games
Idler, Incremental, MMO, RPGMilky Way Idle is a Multiplayer Idle RPG inspired by Runescape skilling and combat. It has a variety of skills, including resource gathering, item crafting, as well as combat. There is a player-driven marketplace, in-game chat, leaderboard. New features are frequently added.
Idler, IncrementalYou awake in darkness. You realize you can wiggle. You are alone.Amino Idle is a game where you are a cell, slowly becoming conscious and evolving into something more. The game explores themes of cosmic loneliness and depression.
Idler, IncrementalBuy dimensions to gain antimatter, at least that's how you start.... Things quickly get more complicated after you get your first infinity, and soon, you end up having to do challenges, keep track of more numbers, buy new types of dimensions, automate buying those dimensions, go down a skill tree and more.
IdlerExcellent Idler game that is the successor to the Diamond Hunt series
Clicker, IdlerClick to gain Hos. Use Hos to buy buildings and upgrade to automatically gather more Hos. Profit.
Clicker, IdlerAre you ready to start your shooting-range tycoon? Target Shooter Clicker is a game where you operate several shooting grounds against red inanimate targets with each weapon pointed against it to idle "points" for you. Upgrade your weapons' potency and firerate to burst down targets to earn even more points against them. Purchase big upgrades for your weapons to hit their targets much harder, and become the Ultimate Target Hunter!
Clicker, Idler, IncrementalA game about managing a Space Station and trading your way to build an intergalactic trading empire.
Clicker, Idler, Incremental, MergerMerge Objects, buy different Upgrades, prestige and reach ridiculous numbers.Click on the game area (the canvas) to reduce the time to the next spawn.
Idler, IncrementalProgress Knight is a life-sim incremental based in a fantasy/medieval setting, where you must progress through the career ladder and acquire new skills to become the ultimate being.You first start off as a beggar, barely being able to feed yourself as the days go by. However, over the years you learn new skills and gain plenty of work experience to enter new high paying jobs while managing your living expenses...Will you decide to take the easy route of doing simple commoner work? Or will you go through harsh training to climb the ranks within the military? Or maybe will you decide to study hard and enrol in a magic academy, learning life-impacting spells? Your career path is open-ended, the decision is up to you.Eventually, your age will catch up to you. You will be given an option to prestige and gain xp multipliers (based on the performance of your current life) for your next life at the cost of losing all your levels and assets. Fear not though, as you will re-gain your levels much, much more quickly than in your previous life...
Idler, IncrementalIn Idle Idle Gamedev, you have the opportunity to create various idle games while going idle.Different unlockable Jobs4 Stats with 9 Skills eachMany Items and Research to unlockReset the game to Skill special skillsTry a challenge to unlock more skillsMany Achievements
Clicker, Idler, IncrementalMake the balls jump, upgrade and change the world! Drop the balls to generate energy with each bounce. Upgrade available balls and buy new ones to generate even more energy. Sell your balls empire to get meta-energy to change the world!Change log: Added Saint Valentine Special Pack to celebrate end of Saint Valentine Event1.3.2- Started Saint Valentine Event1.3.1.3- Added new background from Halloween- Added Halloween Special Pack1.3.1.1- Added musics and sounds- Small buy amount fixes- Added Halloween Event1.2.7.2- Added Easter Special Pack to celebrate end of Easter event1.2.7- Re-worked Buy Amount to be able to align (step) to 1/10/50/100- Game auto-reloads when you click on new version notification, or reload game in settings1.2.6- Added Easter Event1.2.5.1- added “Regress” function to “Improve” button (Shift+Improve)- added limit to “energy generator improver” count- added maximum improvement level difference, auto-improve other tubes if required- decreased price and removed level cap of “Prevent weak bubble” ability1.2.5- improved balance (mostly late-game, improvements 30+ speed up, but mid-game improved as well, no changes before improvement 4)- added new ability “Prevent weak bubble” (to prevent spawning bubbles containing less than 1%/100% of current energy/sec, useful for bubble builds)- added backgrounds from Valentine event- added hot keys Shift+1-6 to buy upgrades (and in abilities, to switch current tube)- added azerty keyboard hot keys for upgrade tabs1.2.4- added cloud save/load (manual only via settings, no auto-saving nor auto-loading from cloud). Save is connected to your kongregate user, so you must be logged in to kongregate to use cloud. added arrows to ability dialog to quick switch between tubes- fixed free amplifier upgrade ability- added options to disable ability effects1.2.3- added tube special abilities, available after your first improve to the tube.- changed mid/late game balance to take into account new abilities.1.2.2- added daily reward- added Saint Valentine Special Pack (You can buy special pack and get all Valentine’s event items as a bonus, or +25 Gems for each item if you already have it)- added Night and Aqua themes- added new ball style1.2.1- changes to energy generator: each improvement after 7th gives you 6 max levels of the energy generator instead of one- if you’ve bought any energy generator meta-upgrades, they will be refunded to you and free respec is given.1.2.0- added an energy generator in the Meta-section, it’s useful after meta-activation (reset); added one free meta-energy refund to test energy generator- added an energy generator improver to the shop- added new version check (a message will appear at the bottom when new update is available, so that you can refresh page to see it).- added experimental dark theme1.1.7Valentine’s Day Event is now LIVE! This is time limited event which will run for 10 days only and will not be available after that! Click the bouncing red heart tab to start/switch to the event.Complete special achievements in the event (heart size) to earn special items which give you permanent bonuses.Gems, shop bonuses bought and special event items are shared between your main game and event. Any gems earned in the event can be used in your main game and vice versa.If you like/dislike something about the event, please leave a comment.Good luck!1.1.6- added success/error indicator for the Save button, if you receive an error message on save check your browser settings, disable “private mode” for Safari- added “Auto-capacity extender 10%” reward at level 5 of the Energy storage achievement. If you have already bought this upgrade you will receive 1 meta-energy instead- 1 “Meta-energy refund” is given every reset- reduced “Meta-energy refund” price from 10 to 1 gem- if you’ve spent any gems on meta-energy refund, your gems spent will be refunded accordingly.1.1.5- Added idle mode multipliers (for description – click “?” on the idle multiplier in meta energy upgrades)- Added idle players pack to the shop- Added current multipliers to the stats tab1.1.4- due to numerous complaints, we’ve added meta-upgrade “Remove spikes”1.1.3- Click in the area above/under the tube for max/min height.- Added q/w/e/r shortcuts for energy, bounce, ball size and tube height- Added buttons to buy capacity for 10%, 50%, max of energy- Added spikes to pop the bubble inside the game field (to prevent chasing bubble outside game window)1.1.2- Buy Amount: added 50, removed 25%- Added switch in tube’s info between percent and energy/sec- Colored upgrades can be activated in the Settings tab- Added “Save game” button in the Settings tab- Show/hide the number of available upgrades in the tabs can be selected in the Settings tab (if the late game lags a lot, try disabling this option for performance boost)1.1.1- added Meta-energy refund to the shop (first one FREE, then for some gems)- added max values for tube height and ball size- separate buy multipliers for each tab1.1.0- added tube’s energy proportion value- added option to enable/disable energy text on every bounce- added different figures for each tube improve (change in the Settings tab)1.0.1- increased bubble fluctuation in time- added energy per second display- added shortcuts to switch buy amount
Idler, RPGFight enemies to absorb their power. Defeat Bosses to unlock new enemies and abilities. Can you defeat the boss faster than the others?
IncrementalWhat is Midnight Idle?- An incremental game with a flavor of old-school Choose Your Own Adventure game books.- A unique story about an amnesiac ooze (first of its kind!)- Unlock 7 classes with unique skills and upgrades.- Multiple layers of prestige mechanic to discover.- Mobile optimized, and you can switch between PC & mobile with export/import features.
Clicker, IdlerEarn money by mining an infinite amount of different minerals. Buy different Upgrades, craft Pickaxes and follow the story. Reach limitless amounts of resources. Earn money even when you’re away.Click the Mineral to damage it. Buy Upgrades to progress. The story provides you with additional help.Inspired by Crovies Idle Mine.
Clicker, Idler, IncrementalCool combination of idle and tower defense mechanics, with unique art style and unusual fresh gameplay solutions! Play for both monsters and turrets, find your play style, choose upgrades carefully! The game is open to tactics and strategic thinking!
You Can Try These Idle Games
Clicker, IdlerDeveloped by Notch, the creator of Minecraft, the game was made in a matter of days. It provides a bleak life experience, starting with creating a body and a life, through to the inevitability of death.
Clicker, IdlerClick through the dungeons.Dark Summoner now awaits all challengers in the Brawler’s Guild.