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New Idle Flash Games
Clicker, IdlerCollect your Gold and Loot in Loot Clicker!Use the Mouse to navigate Menus.Click the "Farm!" button to gain gold.Spend your gold on units to kill monsters and get gold for you.Find Loot to upgrade your units.
Clicker, IdlerThis game is based off of the awesome game titled Cookie Clicker.Just click the pizza and you get a point.You can buy upgrades that allow you to get more pizza every 5 seconds.
Clicker, IdlerPoop Clicker is just another silly clicking game like Pizza Pusher.Move your mouse over the little brown blub and get as many hits as you can.
Clicker, IdlerStart by mining poo and work your way up. Find gems to craft new pickaxes with random power. Buy upgrades to craft better picks and earn more gold. Get stronger by playing, idling, and even not playing at all.
ClickerAn epic story that all starts with you clicking a button for money; until someone tries to take what you have been rightfully clicking to earn. This causes what would be just a button game, to quickly becomes a turret defense culminating in one of 4 distinct endings. Purchase upgrades to make your work station more profitable, protect your belongings, and track your progress.
Clicker, IdlerControl your cow in this epic rpg of silliness.
Clicker, IdlerDo you like upgrading everything you have? If yes, then this game is for you!Do you think this game has a bad graphics? Upgrade it!The game is silent?! It’s not a problem – buy sound in the shop!The space ship is too weak? Construct it as you wish!You can buy and upgrade almost everything in this game!Create a super ship and defeat hordes of invaders!
ClickerMan those coinboxes are trouble. Take this one down with everything you got! Hire hands to help you loot and plunder. When you're ready to take it down.... a tactical nuke is just around the corner.
Clicker, IdlerMake people die the happiest deaths to harvest the most souls, then use the souls to upgrade others so they may die even happier.
RPGA:TG (the proper abbreviation, of course) defies categorization into a single heading. There's an idle aspect as a baseline, of course, but there's also clicking (the button machine,) RPG aspects (the Battle Arena,) an Arcade mode, a collectable card game, and a number of other little features.The "anti" part comes into play with the bonuses you can get for actively playing certain features versus idling; active play in the Battle Arena lets you hit harder, actively harvesting the garden means you don't have to spend rare blue coins to do so, and actively fishing means you use your stamina more effectively.
IdlerYou can play Button Masher Idle and have Masher do all your work for you!
Idler, RPGIf you are tired of wasting your time grinding in MMOs, try this. This is an IDLE RPG for you to kill time. But also more interaction than common idle games.It contains all the elements of a RPG game, even more than ordinary.- Races- Skills(decide how powerful you are)- Equipment(with entirely random stats)- A Blacksmithing system to upgrade your equipment with success rate- Rebirth system(level doesn’t mean everything)- No player class(let your skills decide what you are good at)
Clicker, IdlerPingy the Ping is an idle RPG about penguins, and there’s lots to do if you don’t like idling too.
IdlerHave the worlds most awesome house in this awesome game!
Clicker, RPGThe Hero has been kidnapped by the Evil, and the Princess has to do all the work to restore the Kingdom and save him.Sadly, each item she collects can only be stored once.Tip: to jump over fire you might need brand new shoes
You Can Try These Idle Games
Clicker, IdlerKill tiers of enemies to gain cash to be spent on upgrades and new weapons.
Clicker, IdlerComplex 1v1 RPG. 48 classes, 140 passive skills, generated items, and the most badass enemy you’ve ever tried to kill!
RPGCandybox is one of the earliest examples of incremental games, and is arguably one of the most popular. It starts out with a simple interface, counting up candies and allowing the player to eat them, and quickly expands into a well designed and complex game with a wide range of elements.CandyCandy is the main resource of the game and starts out by gathering automatically at a rate of 1 per second. The player initially has the option of eating the candy, but is soon offered to throw the candy on the ground. Eventually, the player is required to use the candy in a wide range of situations, and it is generally considered the currency of the game. Once enough candy has been collected, more gameplay options are made available.QuestingOnce the sword has been purchased, the player can choose to go on "an epic quest" to collect resources. The quest screen consists of a drop down box that allows the player to select the location in which they would like to quest. Once a location has been selected, the player and location appear on screen in ASCII format and the player's symbol moves to the right, fighting any enemies that are in the way. If the player safely reaches the other side, they are rewarded with whatever they have collected along the way.External LinksWiki