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Top Rated Idle Civ Builder Games

Cividlization 2

Cividlization 2 - Play Idle Game
Civ Builder, Idler, IncrementalIdle / Active strategy game inspired by the Civilization Series.Manage your city, research new techs, gain culture, trade with your neighbors, conquer cities and try to survive!

Idle Ants 2

Idle Ants 2 - Play Idle Game
Civ Builder, Idler, IncrementalBuy workers, unlock stuff, prestige by moving to new worlds in this idle incremental game.

Fill Up The Hole

Fill Up The Hole - Play Idle Game
Civ Builder, Idler, IncrementalFill Up The Hole is a game where you help peons create as much garbage as possible and toss it into a hole. Watch your village grow and evolve as you unlock visual upgrades and new features.

Empire Clicker

Empire Clicker - Play Idle Game
Civ BuilderBuild your own empire from the very beginning.Collect resources, build shelter, pray for the right divinty, buy upgrades, build you army, attack other empires, gain land and more!Collect food, wood, stone and gold. Create citizens to work as farmers, lumberjacks, or miners but be aware they consume food and they can die from hunger!


CityInc - Play Idle Game
Civ Builder, IdlerCityInc (or City Incremental if you wish) is a game about building your city. You start out with a measly forest, and end up with a large city.

The Monolith

The Monolith - Play Idle Game
Civ Builder, IdlerBreak the strange beast egg while evolving your civilization trying to increase the damage done to the egg (and later to the monster which hatches out of it). Starting from the stone age and men with clubs doing very little damage and up to modern age fighting the egg with tanks, aircrafts etc.The gameplay is fun, but the game doesn't progress when you're away, so it consumes a lot of your time. It doesn't seem to be finished as the reset basically doesn't give you anything useful, so once you reach modern age, that's basically it. Although technically the game is not over, there is nothing else left to upgrade or discover in the game.

Idle Space

Idle Space - Play Idle Game
Civ Builder, Idler, IncrementalIdle space themed game. Click the I in game top right for info.Buy Drones, get more energy and metal, get computing, start researching.Hot Keysm – warp one minuteh – warp one hour

Kittens Game

Kittens Game - Play Idle Game
Civ BuilderKittens Game is a text-based incremental/idle village simulation browser game. You manage a village of kittens as they acquire resources and unlock new technologies. You may call it a spiritual successor of a Dark Room The game has a lot of content and usually updates 1-2 times a week.External LinksWikiSubreddit

Sandcastle Builder

Sandcastle Builder - Play Idle Game
Civ BuilderSandcastle Builder is game of Time - yours. Losely based around the XKCD comic Time, with many things added as whims allow. Start by building sandcastles, then glass, then monuments, collect przes, breed dragons take over the world (or your life). There is a Wiki, an active group on Reddit and discussion also takes place in the XKCD forums. It does not really fit into any category. You will need to play for months to get as far as dragons.External LinksWikiReddit


Settlement - Play Idle Game
Civ Builder, ClickerSettlement is the first game developed by S. J. Vellenga. It is an attempt to bring the classic RTS (Real-Time Strategy) genre into the clicking world by allowing players to control resource production through micro management, settlement management and expansion, trade, and eventually, combat.The game has since been abandoned to make way for a PHP based multiplayer version of the game, allowing for playing anywhere and player interaction including combat and trade. The original game is still available, but it will no longer be updated.DevelopmentDevelopment started in early 2014, with the first prototype being released around May of the same year. It was intended for early alpha testers only, and was received fairly well. After a fair amount of feedback, the game was overhauled, providing a new interface for players to interact with, and a better gaming experience. The previous split list system, providing a separated list of workers and buildings, was scrapped in favor of the new combined list system.The project was again overhauled several months later to provide yet another change in the way users interacted with the game. The combined list was adjusted yet again, allowing for buildings to be stacked. Buildings could then be upgraded from an earlier level to the next tier, saving both space and time searching for these upgrades. The trade system was introduced around this time, allowing for players to expand from their settlements and find new locations with richer resources and trade between them.MechanicsThe game revolves mostly around the production of resources. Early resources, such as logs, can then be processed further into planks, which can be used to produce more complex buildings. Some resources, such as coal, tin and copper, can be combined to create complex resources like bronze. As the game progresses, the list grows longer.Ages take a major role in determining the current place in the game. There are currently nine ages accessible, ranging from nomads to space age, though more are planned. Each age will unlock a number of new resources, workers, buildings, and more.Settlement locations provide a way of limiting the number of resources a player actively has access to. Some resources, such as food, stone, and logs, are available in every location (as they are vital to progression), while others, such as iron or uranium, are strictly limited by location. Furthermore, resources can have low or high production rates, giving the player the choice of taking a smaller deposit in favor of convenience.FutureThe future of the game is bright, with the developer actively working on new content and updates. It has been announced that new features including disease and disasters are on their way, and will be implemented as an optional gameplay element, meaning that each new game can be tailored to suit the experience of the player. Further additions, such as automated trade, a NG+ (new game plus) system, combat, and more, have also been announced, but a release window for these have not yet been published.


Kraft - Play Idle Game
Civ BuilderText-based strategy game with lots of resources, buildings, technologies.. with new content almost everyday, early alpha.

Junction Gate

Junction Gate - Play Idle Game
Civ Builder, Clicker, RPGJunction Gate is an incremental resource management and strategy game. Your goal is to survive, gather resources, build out the Junction Gate station, and keep your population alive and happy.StoryThe station is called Junction Gate, a colony seed that never fully blossomed. You see plans for mines, habitat modules, research facilities, and shipyards. From the looks of it, however, station construction ground to a halt shortly after it began, with no immediate indication of what went wrong with the assembly bots. The barren and dusty planet below is Ninevah, about half the size Earth was before the Burning.ResourcesAs you first start out, you'll need to quickly gather resources to survive. The resources can be viewed in the Resources Panel in the upper right of your screen. Each resource functions slightly differently, and some can even go negative, so it's important to keep an eye on them during all stages of the game.There are 7 resources currently available:OreHelium3AirFoodCreditsEnergyPopulationTo produce more resources, you'll need to construct various facilities appropriate for each resource.CommandThe Command tab is where you manage Junction Gate's personnel and policies. Much of this functionality won't be present until you build governmental facilities. Be warned, the command decisions you make will have a profound impact on your game!PersonnelCommanders amplify the effect of your workers by providing them direction. Commanders each have different specialties and can only affect workers in their own department. By training your commanders, you can increase the impact they have on station personnel and decrease the liklihood that the commander will be killed if disaster strikes. You can only have up to four commanders at a time and they are assigned randomly as the story unfolds.Station personnel can be assigned to various departments in Junction Gate to supplement basic resource production. However, station personnel will not be assignable until governmental facilities have been built. Each worker equates to an additional unit of production.Station GovernanceThe Station Governance tab allows you to manage your station's social, military, and economic polices. Each policy will have an affect on your station itself, as well as affecting how the various factions interact with you. To see what a policy does, hover over the text for a description.EconomyThe Economy tab is where you'll manage your finances. As you progressively upgrade your facilities, you'll have access to investment funds, a stock market, and even a casino.InvestmentsEach level of investment will allow you to earn credits interest at set intervals based on the amount invested.Stock MarketOnce the stock market has been unlocked, you'll be able invest in corporations across the Commonwealth. Here are a few keys to investment:ScienceBuilding scientific facilities will allow you to perform research. Currently research is performed by paying credits, but this is likely to change in future versions.External LinksGame InstructionsSubredditTwitterFacebook


Parameters - Play Idle Game
Civ Builder, ClickerThis Japanese game is the first of two where the ultimate goal is to defend the city against alien invasion. This is done by upgrading a number of skills and attacking invaded territories/occupying abandoned territories. Once completed, the game presents the player with a total play time.Occupying/Attacking TerritoriesLand is gained by occupying squares. Free squares are those with a black background and a % number on them. With each click, the % will increase and a small amount of cash and xp will drop. Cash can be spent on unlocking locked squares or buying upgrades on the map, while xp is automatically applied to the player's current total.Attacking yellow squares requires the strength of the player's army to be sufficient enough to eliminate the alien threat. With each attack, the player's defenses are attacked in turn, either resulting in the player being "injured" or "killed". If the player is killed, they must wait for their health to rise again before attacking again, during which time, the alien forces can return to the square in question. Once a square has been defeated, it becomes open to occupy.CashCash is rewarded with each time an unoccupied territory is clicked, and a smaller amount when an occupied territory is clicked. Cash can be spent on buying upgrades on the map, that affect a few different aspects of the game such as attack strength and life recovery.LevellingThis is done automatically when the player collects enough XP. Once a level has been achieved, the player receives points that can be spent on attributes. The attributes are assigned at the top of the screen using the + buttons next to the three lines. The three available are Recovery, Attack, and Defense.Action PointsActions can only be performed when the player has enough points to spend on performing them. These can be seen in the purple bar on the left of the screen. Each action takes a number of points to perform, and these points are returned at a rate determined by the recovery score of the player.KeysThese are rewarded to the player upon defeating enemies. Keys are used to unlock locked squares on the map. Both silver and gold keys are available to the player, and will only unlock their respective locks. It is important to note that some upgrade squares are locked and require keys to access, adding a level of strategy to the game.

City Clicker

City Clicker - Play Idle Game
Civ Builder, ClickerA Javascript incremental city building game, inspired by SimCity. Balance Residential, Commercial, and Industrial zones, and their tax rates, to grow a megalopolis (starting by building one of each is recommended).


CivClicker - Play Idle Game
Civ Builder, ClickerThis game provides the ability to create a civilisation from the ground up. You are required to provide your population with basic resources, housing, advanced buildings, upgrades, and more. The ultimatum to the game is to build a wonder, and worship a god, then to start over, attempting to gain the effects of all the wonders together.ResourcesThere are a number of resources available to use.FoodWoodStoneSkinsHerbsOreLeatherPietyMetalGoldFood, wood, and stone are the basic building blocks of CivClicker. They allow buildings to be constructed and workers to be fed. These resources can either be manually collected by clicking or automatically collected by hiring workers to do so. It is a balance however, to ensure that workers have enough food to continue to work on the jobs that they are assigned without dying.Skins, herbs, and ore are randomly collected when gathering the above resources. They have a chance of being found, which can be upgraded later, and are used for more advanced things. Some are spent on higher tier buildings, while others are used for upgrades. Skins and ore, for example, can be converted into leather and metal by the appropriate workers and used on even higher tier purchases.Piety works a little differently, and is gathered by worshipping gods. Piety can be used for a number of upgrades and for constructing wonders (where all resources are required). All resources are intertwined to ensure that a careful balance is required amongst all of them to make the civilisation grow.Gold cannot be collected normally, and must be gathered through the use of the trade system. Traders will randomly arrive asking for a certain resource and will reward you 1 gold per transaction. They only remain for a short time, so gold is very scarce early game. It can, however, be used to speed up wonder construction, drastically reducing the amount of time it would normally take to build one.SicknessWorkers can get sick, and unfortunately, sick workers don't work. They can be healed, however, by using apothecaries and herbs. Each apothecary heals a number of workers per second, assuming that enough herbs are present. If workers remain sick, they can start to cause a problem, as the infection can spread and remove workers from harvesting food. If this happens, food production can dip, and the population are quickly starving to death.Dead bodies, if not quickly taken care of through the use of cemetaries, can quickly become a problem. Sickness can spread, and the population will quickly get angry, lowering their production.CombatSoldiers can be hired by providing them with the appropriate resources. Note that soldiers still consume food, and should still be considered when calculating food requirements. Soldiers can either be stationed in the civilisation or in the army. Their location affects how they affect the game.Soldiers in the city will defend against attacks. This includes wolves and barbarians.Soldiers assigned to the army will not defend against raids. These soldiers can only be used in raids against other civilisations. Raids can return happiness to your people or even a stash of resources. Note that siege engines cannot be moved out of the army.External LinksFAQWikiSubreddit

Cave Heroes

Cave Heroes - Play Idle Game
Civ Builder, Idler, RPGPretty fun and interesting RPG and civ-builder idle game, where you send your heroes on quests where they automatically fight for you. At the same time you build a small town with inhabitants, whose main purpose is to craft weapons, spells and the other stuff for your party of heroes.There are plenty of upgrades in the game, and a lot of stuff opens up as you progress through the game (your party collects scrolls from monsters they kill, which give you new abilities, buildings, professions etc.)

You Can Try These Idle Games

Battle Blocks

Battle Blocks - Play Idle Game
ClickerAn epic tale of two blocks battling to their demise. The level of depth this game has is unmatched by even the biggest AAA titles. You will be amazed and dumbfounded by the amazing adventure you will undertake.

Metal Clicker

Metal Clicker - Play Idle Game
Clicker, IdlerThis game is basic. There is not much to it...yet. You click gold and buy miners.I am currently working on stuff but if you have an idea that i haven't thought of, feel free to email me.  (Ideas for a custom stylesheet is also appreciated.)

Princess Kingdom

Princess Kingdom - Play Idle Game
Clicker, RPGThe Hero has been kidnapped by the Evil, and the Princess has to do all the work to restore the Kingdom and save him.Sadly, each item she collects can only be stored once.Tip: to jump over fire you might need brand new shoes

Pingy the Ping

Pingy the Ping - Play Idle Game
Clicker, IdlerPingy the Ping is an idle RPG about penguins, and there’s lots to do if you don’t like idling too.