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Most Played Idle Clicker Games

Hacker Experience

Hacker Experience - Play Idle Game
Clicker, MMO, RPGHacker Experience is a browser-based hacking simulation game, where you play the role of a hacker seeking for money and power.Play online against other users from all the globe on an exciting battle to see who can conquer the Internet.Hack, install viruses, research better software, complete missions, steal money from bank accounts and much more.

Reactor Incremental

Reactor Incremental - Play Idle Game
Clicker, IdlerAn incremental clicker/idler about managing a nuclear reactor! Lots and lots of layers of abstraction. Fuel cells produce power and heat. Power gets you money for more parts, and heat gets you a meltdown if you accumulate too much of it.


Clickilization - Play Idle Game
Civ Builder, Clicker, IdlerAn idler/clicker about world conquest.

Incremental Zoo 2

Incremental Zoo 2 - Play Idle Game
Clicker, IdlerBorrow money.Buy animals, at least two of each species.Wait for them to breed.Sell some.Buy other animals.Pay back your debt before the cumulative interest gets too high.Be patient.Get badges.Reset after a while to get a special bonus.

Casino Clicker

Casino Clicker - Play Idle Game
Clicker, IdlerManage casino by buying different slot machines and different game tables. Upgrade things and "reset" to gain prestige for additional perks. Classic idle game in the casino setting which is pretty enjoyable!

Black Hole Shrinker

Black Hole Shrinker - Play Idle Game
Clicker, Idler, IncrementalShrink the black hole with Hawking radiation and get Quarks!

Exponential Clicker

Exponential Clicker - Play Idle Game
Clicker, IdlerA simple clicker that implements exponential growth.

Incremental RPG

Incremental RPG - Play Idle Game
Civ Builder, Clicker, RPGGather resources to build your civilization.

Space Station Manager

Space Station Manager - Play Idle Game
Clicker, Idler, IncrementalA game about managing a Space Station and trading your way to build an intergalactic trading empire.


CivClicker - Play Idle Game
Civ Builder, ClickerThis game provides the ability to create a civilisation from the ground up. You are required to provide your population with basic resources, housing, advanced buildings, upgrades, and more. The ultimatum to the game is to build a wonder, and worship a god, then to start over, attempting to gain the effects of all the wonders together.ResourcesThere are a number of resources available to use.FoodWoodStoneSkinsHerbsOreLeatherPietyMetalGoldFood, wood, and stone are the basic building blocks of CivClicker. They allow buildings to be constructed and workers to be fed. These resources can either be manually collected by clicking or automatically collected by hiring workers to do so. It is a balance however, to ensure that workers have enough food to continue to work on the jobs that they are assigned without dying.Skins, herbs, and ore are randomly collected when gathering the above resources. They have a chance of being found, which can be upgraded later, and are used for more advanced things. Some are spent on higher tier buildings, while others are used for upgrades. Skins and ore, for example, can be converted into leather and metal by the appropriate workers and used on even higher tier purchases.Piety works a little differently, and is gathered by worshipping gods. Piety can be used for a number of upgrades and for constructing wonders (where all resources are required). All resources are intertwined to ensure that a careful balance is required amongst all of them to make the civilisation grow.Gold cannot be collected normally, and must be gathered through the use of the trade system. Traders will randomly arrive asking for a certain resource and will reward you 1 gold per transaction. They only remain for a short time, so gold is very scarce early game. It can, however, be used to speed up wonder construction, drastically reducing the amount of time it would normally take to build one.SicknessWorkers can get sick, and unfortunately, sick workers don't work. They can be healed, however, by using apothecaries and herbs. Each apothecary heals a number of workers per second, assuming that enough herbs are present. If workers remain sick, they can start to cause a problem, as the infection can spread and remove workers from harvesting food. If this happens, food production can dip, and the population are quickly starving to death.Dead bodies, if not quickly taken care of through the use of cemetaries, can quickly become a problem. Sickness can spread, and the population will quickly get angry, lowering their production.CombatSoldiers can be hired by providing them with the appropriate resources. Note that soldiers still consume food, and should still be considered when calculating food requirements. Soldiers can either be stationed in the civilisation or in the army. Their location affects how they affect the game.Soldiers in the city will defend against attacks. This includes wolves and barbarians.Soldiers assigned to the army will not defend against raids. These soldiers can only be used in raids against other civilisations. Raids can return happiness to your people or even a stash of resources. Note that siege engines cannot be moved out of the army.External LinksFAQWikiSubreddit

Electric Rubber 2

Electric Rubber 2 - Play Idle Game
Clicker, IdlerThis is a sequel to Electric Rubber. Click and rub to get money. Manage up to three power plants and unlock upgrades. Sell electricity for money, but be mindful when you do, the worth of electricity can change! Come back daily for a reward, based on how many power plants you own. The more you own, the better the reward!


Kushify - Play Idle Game
ClickerKushify is an idle clicker game about rising to glory and wealth by leading an empire of Weed. It involves three resources. Kushify features a coffee mode if you're not fine with dealing drugs. The game is in an early stage but works just fine and has no documented bugs.ResourcesThere are 3 resources for use in the game. Fertiliser, Weed, and Money. The three are connected in such a way that the player must balance all of them and cannot just dump their money into one branch. Fertiliser is used to grow weed and weed is sold for cash. Buildings automate this process. Fertiliser buildings require money, weed building require fertiliser, and dealers require weed.External LinksReddit Thread

City Clicker

City Clicker - Play Idle Game
Civ Builder, ClickerA Javascript incremental city building game, inspired by SimCity. Balance Residential, Commercial, and Industrial zones, and their tax rates, to grow a megalopolis (starting by building one of each is recommended).

M13n: Miniaturization

M13n: Miniaturization - Play Idle Game
Clicker, IdlerThe incremental game where the numbers get smaller.Click the beaker button to research a smaller theoretical size. Click the wrench to engineer the thing down toward that size. Sell shipments of the thing to make more money to make the thing smaller.

Undefeated Spider

Undefeated Spider - Play Idle Game
Clicker, IdlerComplex 1v1 RPG. 48 classes, 140 passive skills, generated items, and the most badass enemy you’ve ever tried to kill!

Candy Clicker Pro

Candy Clicker Pro - Play Idle Game
Clicker, IdlerTrying to help mankind by converting the plague of cookies into something more useful... Candy!

You Can Try These Idle Games


Dripstat - Play Idle Game
Clicker, IdlerThis is one of the earliest MMO adaptations of an incremental game whereby the global community helps to increase the overall score together.

Word Clicker

Word Clicker - Play Idle Game
Clicker, IdlerYou wake up with a burning desire to click words.

Idle God 3

Idle God 3 - Play Idle Game
ClickerSave the universe!… Or destroy it!The game starts by allowing you to gather a single resource, but quickly expands on that, providing new buildings, resources, and more. There are a range of options to take in the game, offering 9 different endings.ResourcesThere are a number of resources available to collect:ScrapsGoldGarnetCrystalsMineralsPerksEach resource can be used to purchase different things providing different bonuses. Perks, for example, can be applied to improve the chances of getting item drops on the main screen, thus gradully removing the need to click for resources.