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Top Rated Idle Clicker Games
ClickerSimilar to a paddle game from the 90's, the game allows you to upgrade your paddles between lives to extend the amount of time you can stay alive. You are provided with 4 paddles, one on each side of the screen.UpgradesUpgrades start by providing extra lives per game, then advance to increase the size of the paddles, add shields, and more.
Clicker, RPGMine your way down and collect rock, coal, copper, iron, silver, obsidian, gold, platinium, diamond.Sell your finding and upgrade your mining machine and dig faster and faster…Many upgrade available like boost, speed, force, level, luck…
Clicker, IdlerAlso known as "Jew Simulator", this game appears to be Polish and follows the standard clicker style gameplay.
Clicker, IdlerDrive and explore with your mining rover in 3D, search on all planets from our solar system for great region to exploit, mine your way down and collect many different minerals, trade it or complete orders for profits, many rewards and upgrades...
ClickerClick your way from a bum to a billionaire!
Clicker, IdlerBuild a factory from the ground up. Select the material to use, and products to build.Hire staff to improve the process. Retire young and wealthy, pass along your success to your child.Maximize your Networth Per Second as best you can! Adjust values of buttons, and click, click, click!
Clicker, IdlerHow to play Banana Click.Click the banana to collect banana/s.Click the Exchange button to exchange banana/s for upgrades.
Clicker, IdlerThe idea of the game is pretty simple: Destroy the cubes. Each time you destroy a cube, you are given chips and the chance of getting another resource or item that can be used in other areas of the game.CubesThe player must purchase cubes as they gather enough cube chips. The higher level cube, the more chips are required to purchase it. The same also applies to rewards however, as the higher level cubes also reward with higher resource drops.CraftingThe player is given the option to craft new hammers using their collected resources. Each hammer can provide greater damage based on the items used to craft it.LockboxThe lockbox is an upgradeable item that can be opened once the player has a key. If the player chooses to spend resources to upgrade the box, they have a better chance of getting a stronger hammer, though they will obviously have to wait longer.
Clicker, MMO, RPGBattle INF is a minimally designed, but featureful, cooperative idle / incremental RPG. It acts like a traditional RPG, where the player is required to kill for loot and gradually improve as they progress.
Clicker, MMOClick to build up your score, then add it to your country's total score, comparing against the rest of the world.
ClickerPress the Make Widget button to get Widgets. Spend those widgets to buy workers to click for you. The more workers you have, the more widgets it will automake for you. Workers will make 1 widget each per second, Skilled Workers will make 5 each per second.The game will keep track of how many widgets you have spent in total.Supervisors add efficiency to the entire manufacturing process, increasing efficiency by 2% per supervisor.The click multiplier will increase the number of widgets you and your workers get for clicking.The save function is a work in progress. Meaning it will not currently work if you try it.
Clicker, IdlerChop down trees to gain wood. Wood can be spent on upgrading stats, such as the number of trees that can spawn, the amount of wood the trees return, and the speed at which the trees spawn.
Clicker, IdlerYou begin by mining basic asteroid and you have to upgrade your technology to unlock more asteroid. Level up and increase your effiency in mining. Become the biggest asteroid miner of the universe.
ClickerClick to gather dots to spend on lines to convert to exclaims to spend on upgrades to get dots faster.The game provides a simple, cyclic style whereby the most expensive resource helps to improve the gain of the basic resource. It's a simple design, but one that works very well and feels like it flows at a decent rate. The developer has stated that it is early in development and that there are updates planned, such as creating question marks and combining exclaims and question marks into interrobangs, but it is not sure when this will occur.
You Can Try These Idle Games
ClickerStart off with only 1 red button, which you have to click to earn money, but then you can buy menu, achievements, upgrades and start upgrading the game. Each thing you buy adds $0.25 to what you earn per click.Fun concept (similar to Upgrade Complete, but in clicker style), but somewhat boring since balance is such that you have to click A LOT to buy upgrades.The game includes over 50 upgrades and 10 achievements.
Civ Builder, Clicker, RPGHelixteus is a unique strategy/idle space game with a lot of content.Manage your home planet, build buildings and send spaceships to other planets to fight the enemies in order to conquer the planet in this infinite universe.Research 36 types of sciences, collect 215 achievements, fight 7 tiers of enemies, discover 11 different classes of stars, own 7 different types of planets, accumulate 4 completely different but essential types of resources and build 5 different tiers of ships to raze the enemies with your strategy whether it be a pure attack power or above-average defense.A very in-depth game with tons of content for you to enjoy for weeks on end if you are the addicted type! To fuel your motivation, compete for highscores in 16 different statistics in the game.
Clicker, IdlerA classic free browser based incremental game. A story told along the way + full hd gfx.Take on the role of the African female protagonist, Boatema, in her quest for power. The currency is kills.Minor warning: a few of the story related scenes in the game, might be seen as gory or violent.I welcome all questions, suggestions, bugs, critique and props :)Send me an email: