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Top Rated Idle RPG Games
RPGCandybox is one of the earliest examples of incremental games, and is arguably one of the most popular. It starts out with a simple interface, counting up candies and allowing the player to eat them, and quickly expands into a well designed and complex game with a wide range of elements.CandyCandy is the main resource of the game and starts out by gathering automatically at a rate of 1 per second. The player initially has the option of eating the candy, but is soon offered to throw the candy on the ground. Eventually, the player is required to use the candy in a wide range of situations, and it is generally considered the currency of the game. Once enough candy has been collected, more gameplay options are made available.QuestingOnce the sword has been purchased, the player can choose to go on "an epic quest" to collect resources. The quest screen consists of a drop down box that allows the player to select the location in which they would like to quest. Once a location has been selected, the player and location appear on screen in ASCII format and the player's symbol moves to the right, fighting any enemies that are in the way. If the player safely reaches the other side, they are rewarded with whatever they have collected along the way.External LinksWiki
Clicker, Idler, RPGVery basic graphics and basic gameplay with a heavy skew towards clicking. The balance seems a bit off especially at the start of the game where you need to do a lot of clicks for small progress in the game.
Clicker, Idler, RPGClick to battle enemies endlessly and gather gold to be spent on upgrading your equipment, level, or the level of monster that you're fighting. You can complete quests as they appear, check out your current equipment and sell off excess loot, and hire mercenaries to fight and gather gold for you (that is spent on mercenaries).
Idler, RPGIf you are tired of wasting your time grinding in MMOs, try this. This is an IDLE RPG for you to kill time. But also more interaction than common idle games.It contains all the elements of a RPG game, even more than ordinary.- Races- Skills(decide how powerful you are)- Equipment(with entirely random stats)- A Blacksmithing system to upgrade your equipment with success rate- Rebirth system(level doesn’t mean everything)- No player class(let your skills decide what you are good at)
RPGAs one of the first RPG incremental clickers, Clickpocalypse fleshes out its gameplay quite a long way. From multiple characters in your party to a massive range of items and enemies, the game provides an in depth, detailed experience.CharactersThere are a range of characters available to choose from. Each of these characters has special abilities or traits that affect how they are played in the game. Each character type has a unique list of equipment that they can use, with varying abilities tied to them.The list of characters is as follows:MousePaladinClericPirateThiefGunslingerLawyerBarbarianRangerWizardWiseguyNinjaLegionaryCheerleaderEffectsCharacter effects modify a number of different aspects about the game. These include some of the following:Increase manual attack damageIncrease the frequency of shop respawnsIncrease experience gainIncrease gold dropsIncrease rare item dropsIncrease rare items in shopIncrease higher level itemsIncrease part damage for a number of secondsIncrease the odds of higher level enemiesInstantly stock the shopMake shop items cheaperReduce enemy defencesIncrease the quantity of items in the shopGain extra items from combatThese effects can be activated individually by clicking their respective titles when they become available. Their effects are generally timed and have a cool down period to prevent spamming them.EventsOccasionally, events will occur during combat. These can include finding chests with a stash of equipment in them, finding mechanical pieces, finding ancient artifacts, encountering a new character, accepting a quest, or entering a boss lair. Each of these comes with their own unique gameplay implications.EquipmentThere is a huge list of equipment available in the game, and each item is tailored to its paired character. For example, the Mouse character may be able to equip a Left Mouse Button, while a thief may equip a Lockpick. This does mean that equipment cannot be shared between characters, though the store and item drops will only provide items that you can use.In addition to the standard equipment, artifacts can be found. Things such as "Ancient Idol" can be collected during gameplay and provide additional permanent effects to the game. These are similar to the character effects above.QuestsThese will appear occasionally and consist of requests such as "Kill 10 Chimeras". Upon completion, the player is rewarded for their efforts and the quest is recorded.
RPGSpace Lich Omega 2 is the sequel to Space Lich Omega. It is an ASCII Art Incremental RPG inspired by candybox and a dark room.
Clicker, Idler, RPGClicker Heroes is a game developed as a side project from a larger game already in production. It borrows the art assets from it and implements simple clicker style gameplay. As such, it's a high quality graphical interface that provides a number of workers, upgrades, and achievements with a large amount of gameplay.External LinksRedditTwitter
Clicker, Idler, RPGThe sequel to the ever popular Clickpocalypse, this game deviates from the simple design of its predecessor and expands into an automated graphical world.It should be noted that the game is still in development, and some features have either not been implemented or have not yet been announced.The WorldThe gameplay region is made up of a tiled display where the player's characters can freely roam, searching for more enemies to kill.AdventurersThe player is given a number of adventurers that will gather loot and experience automatically. They initially start the game with a fighter, a priest, a ranger, and a wizard, each with their own abilities and loot.The adventurers wander the world killing monsters and navigating dungeons automatically. It is up to the player to decide when and how to spend experience, upgrade an adventurer's equipment, and more.As adventurers gather experience, it can be spent on levelling up the adventurer. This opens up the abilities of that particular character, providing a new layer of strategy in the game.MonstersSimilar to the previous game, monsters populate the world and are a way for the player to gain better loot as well as experience. However, in this game, the monsters can wander through the map, attacking the player's characters as they like. This can lead to the player's characters running away, and removing them from battle.Monsters can now be upgraded to increase the chances of dropping rare items, more gold, more experience, and so on.LootItems that monsters dropped can be applied to characters to improve their abilities. These items are randomly generated and randomly dropped, meaning that many of the items may in fact be worse than the item currently being used. This is circumvented by providing the option of an auto-upgrade button that will automatically select the best items available and apply them to the character.Each character has a specific set of items unique to them. Each item in turn can only be applied to a single adventurer, meaning an item that might be good for one character, cannot be used by another.
RPGA Dark Room creates a roguelike experience within the incremental genre. It starts the game as a very simplistic interface, providing a single button to progress, but quickly integrates multiple resources, building construction, equipment, and more. It is available in both browser and iOS.ResourcesThere are a wide range of resources that become available to the player as the game progresses. Notably, wood quickly becomes the most important, as it is required to keep the fire burning and to construct buildings. Other resources that come into player later on include meat for curing (which can then be used to keep the player fed during expeditions), leather, and steel.BuildingsHuts are just the first building that become available, and will allow the player to receive population to help support the player's campsite. People that have moved into huts can be assigned jobs, from gathering wood to mining for coal. These jobs all produce resources, while some will also consume them. Raw meat, for example, will be consumed when producing cured meat.EquipmentThe player will be given the option of crafting equipment. There is a long list of items available to make, but they include weapons, armor, bags to carry more goods when on an expeditions, water reservoirs to carry more water, and more. These become vital to the progression of the player late game.Alternatively, some items can be found while out on expeditions. Swords, guns, bullets, and more can be found from either felled enemies or hidden caches.ExpeditionOnce the player has received a compass, they will be able to go out on an expedition. While out, the player must maintain enough food and water to ensure that they don't die. Water is consumed once ever step, while cured meat is consumed once every 4.The player may randomly encounter enemies while outside the safety of the camp. As the player progresses further and further away, the enemies become stronger and faster, meaning that the player must ensure that they have enough skill to defend themselves. This will generally consist of arming themselves with better weapons (such as rifles).Houses, caves, mines, and more can be found while out. If the player clears a location of enemies and reaches the end, they will generally be rewarded with a cache of items. This can include meat, but may also hold rarer items such as steel swords or grenades. Once the location has been cleared, it may be turned into a safehouse. Once a safehouse has been established, it will populate with a random amount of cured meat for the player to collect while out travelling. A safehouse can only be visited once per trip and will automatically replenish the player's water supplies.Roads will be made from the safehouse back to the camp. While on roads, the player will not be attacked at all.
Clicker, RPGA Minecraft themed incremental, you're tasked with gathering resources and crafting them into tools etc to progress. It provides an almost RPG style element to the game that sets it apart from the rest.
Clicker, RPGYou can increase your levels to over 100LV from just 1 battle! An exciting game of steady progression. Go for the highest levels within a limited number of battles!A game where the goal is to raise your levels within a limited number of battles.FieldA vast field! On the field there are appropriate levels and bonuses helpful for getting through battles. Try to progress through the game efficiently!StatusWhen your levels rise, divide your status up among characters and efficiently defeat the enemies!BattleUltra exhilarating high speed battle! A player can unleash multiple attacks and critical hits according to his status.EquipmentLevel up efficiently with a variety of ultra powerful equipment!
Civ Builder, Clicker, RPGJunction Gate is an incremental resource management and strategy game. Your goal is to survive, gather resources, build out the Junction Gate station, and keep your population alive and happy.StoryThe station is called Junction Gate, a colony seed that never fully blossomed. You see plans for mines, habitat modules, research facilities, and shipyards. From the looks of it, however, station construction ground to a halt shortly after it began, with no immediate indication of what went wrong with the assembly bots. The barren and dusty planet below is Ninevah, about half the size Earth was before the Burning.ResourcesAs you first start out, you'll need to quickly gather resources to survive. The resources can be viewed in the Resources Panel in the upper right of your screen. Each resource functions slightly differently, and some can even go negative, so it's important to keep an eye on them during all stages of the game.There are 7 resources currently available:OreHelium3AirFoodCreditsEnergyPopulationTo produce more resources, you'll need to construct various facilities appropriate for each resource.CommandThe Command tab is where you manage Junction Gate's personnel and policies. Much of this functionality won't be present until you build governmental facilities. Be warned, the command decisions you make will have a profound impact on your game!PersonnelCommanders amplify the effect of your workers by providing them direction. Commanders each have different specialties and can only affect workers in their own department. By training your commanders, you can increase the impact they have on station personnel and decrease the liklihood that the commander will be killed if disaster strikes. You can only have up to four commanders at a time and they are assigned randomly as the story unfolds.Station personnel can be assigned to various departments in Junction Gate to supplement basic resource production. However, station personnel will not be assignable until governmental facilities have been built. Each worker equates to an additional unit of production.Station GovernanceThe Station Governance tab allows you to manage your station's social, military, and economic polices. Each policy will have an affect on your station itself, as well as affecting how the various factions interact with you. To see what a policy does, hover over the text for a description.EconomyThe Economy tab is where you'll manage your finances. As you progressively upgrade your facilities, you'll have access to investment funds, a stock market, and even a casino.InvestmentsEach level of investment will allow you to earn credits interest at set intervals based on the amount invested.Stock MarketOnce the stock market has been unlocked, you'll be able invest in corporations across the Commonwealth. Here are a few keys to investment:ScienceBuilding scientific facilities will allow you to perform research. Currently research is performed by paying credits, but this is likely to change in future versions.External LinksGame InstructionsSubredditTwitterFacebook
RPGClicking FF7 is a clicking game based on FF7 universe, where you have to power up your characters to fight enemy and go through the different zones to clear the game. "that's a different way to revisit ff7 story" -MenenciaExternal LinksChangelogSubreddit
RPGKill rats to gather xp and gold. XP raises your level and awards you skill points, gold can be spent on hiring minions to kill rats for you. Gather better equipment, health and mana potions, and eventually craft and use magic.Instructions* click rats to gain exp and gold* clicked rats deal you damange* if your life reaches 1 - you lose your gold* health is replenishing slowly* potions are dropping - drink them to restore health and mana* buy minions for gold, they attack for you but also die automatically (except dragons, dragons are immortal)* items are dropping, yellow ones(rare) are rarer and have chance to roll better stats than magic(blue) ones, legendary items are even more powerful* demonic items can only be crafted* equip staff to enable magic* you gain attrubutes to spend every 3 levels* defence decreases rats' damage* damage increases number of rats killed per click* magic unlocks different spells, increases their power and reduces mana costs* rats grow stronger every 10 levels* luck increases legendary item drop chance, 100 luck unlocks crafting* there are 6 crafting materials: magic coal, evil eye, scorpion claw, frog leg, angel feather (drop when crafting unlocked)* hotkeys: spells - 1,2,3,4,5 ; health potion(Q), mana potion (W)* demonic items are made from magic(blue) item + coal + other material* demonic item's power is based on magic(blue) item's power used to craft it* potion transmutation: 2 x magic gloves + magic staff (requires 20 health potions) = 20 mana potionsHealth and ManaThe health bar provides a cooldown effect on killing rats manually, providing you with 100 health total. While this total health cannot be upgraded, the player can improve the number of clicks by increasing their defense and offense using skill points, meaning that rats do less damage to the player, and the player kills more rats per click. Furthermore, equipment can modify these figures. If the player's health drops to 1, the player will lose all gold that they have collected up until that point.Mana is awarded once the player has managed to equip a staff. The level of the staff denotes the level of spells that the player can use. Each spell provides a different effect, from increasing the player's attack abilities to preventing the rats from hitting back for a specified period of time.EquipmentThere are 5 equipment slots available to the player: weapon, armour, helmet, staff, and gloves. Each of these provides a bonus to a particular stat. For example, a weapon will increase the damage stat of the player, meaning that more rats can be killed per click. As the player's level increases, so too does the level of items that drop.The player can also collect potions: health and mana. These will increase the current amount of health or mana that the player has, meaning that they don't need to wait for these to refill naturally.External LinksFacebook
Clicker, Idler, RPGSomewhat strange idle game with basic graphics which is hard to pick up due to absence of any good tutorial. It is somewhat deep with many different options available in the game, be sure to move your mouse to "?" button at the top right to better understand each game screen, as they're otherwise not intuitively understandable. A few more tips:- Auto attack or click for additional damage (you can keep the mouse pressed or space bar).- The Azur Tower has special fighting condition (Path 1 : Auto attack only, Path 2 : Click atk only, Path 3 : Critical dmg only, Path 4 : Double atk only ... etc... the other is either mana dmg based, total monster killed, or other condition).
RPGThis game is based on an award-wining browser-based text RPG "A Dark Room" by Michael Townsend.It's exactly the same as the web version but with graphics and sound.
You Can Try These Idle Games
Clicker, IdlerHarvest crops, chop trees, and cook food in this mellow idle game.
Idler, IncrementalFill casts to make various products in your factory. Unlock new products as you increase production. Advertise to sell more products & donate unsold items to trigger bonus events. Hire managers to work for you & sit idle as your empire grows Prestige for better event bonuses, item prices & to increase multiple factory limits.