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New Idle Javascript/HTML5 Games

Giant Shaft Enterprises

Giant Shaft Enterprises - Play Idle Game
IdlerBuilding a giant enterprise is the aim of this game, where employees can be hired to earn you money and upgrades can be bought to improve their efficiency. The game is relatively simple, providing a list of achievements and a prestige system to improve the quality of future play throughs.

Space Lich Omega

Space Lich Omega - Play Idle Game
RPGSpace Lich Omega is an incremental RPG using ASCII art. It was inspired by aniweys Candy Box. The game progresses through a series of locations and provides a number of loot items to improve the player's character in a number of ways.CombatCombat is performed by selecting a location to visit, then waiting as the player's character moves across the screen, fighting enemies as it encounters them. The player is represented by a "Y", while enemies take a number of different appearances. Combat is automated, but allows the player to use potions or spells to affect the field of play. Potions for health and mana are available, while spells can be used to freeze the game field, return the player to the start of the level, berserk to inflict higher damage, or shield to protect the player for a short period of time. Items can be dropped during these levels, but loot is mainly restricted to money.The FactoryThis is where money and gunk production can be automated. Money requires gears to be inserted to improve the production per second, while gunk requires batteries. Gunk and money can be combined to improve the player's maximum health.


Timewaster - Play Idle Game
ClickerA simplistic game with slight focus on being more fast-paced as opposed to idle-friendly. Features two currencies as opposed to one - stock and money. Development version has more features, however is considerably more incomplete.External LinksDevelopment Version


Kushify - Play Idle Game
ClickerKushify is an idle clicker game about rising to glory and wealth by leading an empire of Weed. It involves three resources. Kushify features a coffee mode if you're not fine with dealing drugs. The game is in an early stage but works just fine and has no documented bugs.ResourcesThere are 3 resources for use in the game. Fertiliser, Weed, and Money. The three are connected in such a way that the player must balance all of them and cannot just dump their money into one branch. Fertiliser is used to grow weed and weed is sold for cash. Buildings automate this process. Fertiliser buildings require money, weed building require fertiliser, and dealers require weed.External LinksReddit Thread


Cryptomental - Play Idle Game
ClickerAn in-depth cryptocurrency based game in which you trade and mine various coins using the profits to buy more mining power while researching in different areas to unlock new options or improve existing ones.CurrenciesThere are a number of currencies available to the player. The player will start out with Money, Bitcoins, and Litecoins, and will be required to improve their rigs for mining to earn these currencies. They can be traded at a cost of exchange to convert one currency to the next, giving the player the option to choose which currency they want to focus on. Some currencies are produced at a higher rate for example, but are worth far less.

Clicking FF7

Clicking FF7 - Play Idle Game
RPGClicking FF7 is a clicking game based on FF7 universe, where you have to power up your characters to fight enemy and go through the different zones to clear the game. "that's a different way to revisit ff7 story" -MenenciaExternal LinksChangelogSubreddit

The Gold Factory

The Gold Factory - Play Idle Game
RPGThe player works in a gold factory and must use their wages to purchase items to use in an RPG style game. The player can gather gold in a number of ways, by either helping their boss (killing rats or solving cryptograms) or performing tasks such as killing thieves while digging a hole. The game expands as the player progresses, allowing them to purchase swords for fighting, shovels for digging, or converting their gold bars into iron bars for other uses.The game was inspired by Candy Box and A Dark Room, and the styles of both of those games shine in this clicker.External LinksReddit

Sandcastle Builder

Sandcastle Builder - Play Idle Game
Civ BuilderSandcastle Builder is game of Time - yours. Losely based around the XKCD comic Time, with many things added as whims allow. Start by building sandcastles, then glass, then monuments, collect przes, breed dragons take over the world (or your life). There is a Wiki, an active group on Reddit and discussion also takes place in the XKCD forums. It does not really fit into any category. You will need to play for months to get as far as dragons.External LinksWikiReddit

Matter of Scale

Matter of Scale - Play Idle Game
Civ BuilderBuild your realm from a small Hamlet to a transcendental domain spanning the stars. The player is required to hire workers to gather resource and meet specific goals for each location.ExpandingOnce a location has been completed, a new location will be opened up, with new requiresments to complete it. Finally, once a location has enough of a particular size, it will expand into a larger type. Enough hamlets, for example, will become a village. Enough villages, and it will expand into a town. This pattern continues as the player progresses.It should be noted that once a village has been unlocked, a second village will appear beneath it, with a hamlet contained inside of it. The hamlets for this new village must be completed before the villages can then be combined into a town. This pattern continues.Resources and UpgradesThere are a number of resources available, limited to the type of location that the player is working in. These resources can only be gained from their associated location. They can be spent on upgrading a number of things, again associated with the appropriate location type. Upgrades can reward with free workers every X seconds, or even apply a modifier to a new location. These modifiers will generally change the cost or production of workers.External LinksRedditDevelopment Version

Incremental Zoo 2

Incremental Zoo 2 - Play Idle Game
Clicker, IdlerBorrow money.Buy animals, at least two of each species.Wait for them to breed.Sell some.Buy other animals.Pay back your debt before the cumulative interest gets too high.Be patient.Get badges.Reset after a while to get a special bonus.

Cookie Clicker

Cookie Clicker - Play Idle Game
Clicker, IdlerHey, I'm making this as revition because some people don't understand this.Anyway, Cookie Clicker is a game where you click cookie and buy buildings to help you produce Cookies! Over 20+ prestige upgrades, 10+ buildings, 150+ upgrades, and 150+ achievements! Can you get everything?

The Monolith

The Monolith - Play Idle Game
Civ Builder, IdlerBreak the strange beast egg while evolving your civilization trying to increase the damage done to the egg (and later to the monster which hatches out of it). Starting from the stone age and men with clubs doing very little damage and up to modern age fighting the egg with tanks, aircrafts etc.The gameplay is fun, but the game doesn't progress when you're away, so it consumes a lot of your time. It doesn't seem to be finished as the reset basically doesn't give you anything useful, so once you reach modern age, that's basically it. Although technically the game is not over, there is nothing else left to upgrade or discover in the game.


Settlement - Play Idle Game
Civ Builder, ClickerSettlement is the first game developed by S. J. Vellenga. It is an attempt to bring the classic RTS (Real-Time Strategy) genre into the clicking world by allowing players to control resource production through micro management, settlement management and expansion, trade, and eventually, combat.The game has since been abandoned to make way for a PHP based multiplayer version of the game, allowing for playing anywhere and player interaction including combat and trade. The original game is still available, but it will no longer be updated.DevelopmentDevelopment started in early 2014, with the first prototype being released around May of the same year. It was intended for early alpha testers only, and was received fairly well. After a fair amount of feedback, the game was overhauled, providing a new interface for players to interact with, and a better gaming experience. The previous split list system, providing a separated list of workers and buildings, was scrapped in favor of the new combined list system.The project was again overhauled several months later to provide yet another change in the way users interacted with the game. The combined list was adjusted yet again, allowing for buildings to be stacked. Buildings could then be upgraded from an earlier level to the next tier, saving both space and time searching for these upgrades. The trade system was introduced around this time, allowing for players to expand from their settlements and find new locations with richer resources and trade between them.MechanicsThe game revolves mostly around the production of resources. Early resources, such as logs, can then be processed further into planks, which can be used to produce more complex buildings. Some resources, such as coal, tin and copper, can be combined to create complex resources like bronze. As the game progresses, the list grows longer.Ages take a major role in determining the current place in the game. There are currently nine ages accessible, ranging from nomads to space age, though more are planned. Each age will unlock a number of new resources, workers, buildings, and more.Settlement locations provide a way of limiting the number of resources a player actively has access to. Some resources, such as food, stone, and logs, are available in every location (as they are vital to progression), while others, such as iron or uranium, are strictly limited by location. Furthermore, resources can have low or high production rates, giving the player the choice of taking a smaller deposit in favor of convenience.FutureThe future of the game is bright, with the developer actively working on new content and updates. It has been announced that new features including disease and disasters are on their way, and will be implemented as an optional gameplay element, meaning that each new game can be tailored to suit the experience of the player. Further additions, such as automated trade, a NG+ (new game plus) system, combat, and more, have also been announced, but a release window for these have not yet been published.

You Can Try These Idle Games

Ice Cream Stand

Ice Cream Stand - Play Idle Game
ClickerAn impressive looking javascript game that provides a wide range of features, including online chat. The aim of the game is to sell as much ice cream as possible, combine flavours, add toppings, and eventually own a cow.Ice CreamThe aim of the game is to sell as much ice cream as possible. This can be done by manually selling or hiring workers to do the work for you. Manually selling ice cream requires a little attention, as you must click on ice cubes that disappear after a set number of clicks, meaning you have to move to the next one. It's a simple technique that prevents autoclicking.Ice cream flavours can be combined to create new flavours and sold at different prices. Toppings can also be added to improve the saleability of a particular flavour as well as changing the cone.PrestigeA prestige system is available, which increases your overall income by a certain percentage. These bonuses stack, meaning the improvements from the last prestige adds to the current value.

Fisherman Idle

Fisherman Idle - Play Idle Game
Clicker, IdlerManage fishermen and run a successful fishing company!

Clicker Adventurers

Clicker Adventurers - Play Idle Game
ClickerIn Clicker Adventurers you click the mouse to deal damage to your enemy. At the start of the adventure you are fighting all by yourself. But by earning money you can hire two assistants. One of those 2 is an archer, the other a magician. Get started to improve the performance and the ability of the characters, and pass each level. There is a main boss waiting for you as well...


Zombidle - Play Idle Game
Clicker, IdlerClicker heroes clone. Playing as Necromancer, you destroy people houses (clicking them) and get their skulls for each house, which you can use to upgrade your skills or buy/upgrade different creatures, who automatically do damage each second.Each 10th/25th/etc upgrade level there is some special ability for each creature (including you).The graphics are good, but the balance is a bit skewed to clicking rather than idling.Overall, an interesting game if you like Clicker Heroes style games.