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Top Rated Idle Javascript/HTML5 Games

Idle Painters

Idle Painters - Play Idle Game
Clicker, Idler, IncrementalWanna be an artist? Try your hand at painting pictures in this fun idle game. Click to reveal ("draw") the pictures and then sell them for profit. Hire assistants who automatically do this for you, upgrade lots of things to generate more and more profit and reveal more and more pictures!Changelog:v1.2.0- the magic brush consumption decreased 5 times- from level 11 the picture's complexity increases exponentially- the picture price increases linearly- the rate of sales increases at levels 2, 4, 8, 16 etc.v1.1.0- condensed design- decreased sell timev1.0.1- "Finish tutorial" renamed to "Skip tutorial" (the button skips the tutorial, not just dismisses the message)- Student Painter is automatically re-activated at each layer (if it was activated by player).- fixed the incorrect auto-change from the magic to simple brush on the layer/picture change

Idle Food Factory

Idle Food Factory - Play Idle Game
Clicker, IdlerThis game is about making your food factory into the most powerful in all of Kongregate. Buy recipes, produce food, buy upgrades, or, just idle… All is possible (within our limited boundaries, duuh.) so go crazy and have fun! Respect the elderly.


CraftClicker - Play Idle Game
Clicker, RPGA Minecraft themed incremental, you're tasked with gathering resources and crafting them into tools etc to progress. It provides an almost RPG style element to the game that sets it apart from the rest.

Pizza Presser

Pizza Presser - Play Idle Game
Clicker, IdlerClick the pizzaSell your pizzasBuy pizza makers and resources with your moneyUse your resources to create pizza makersCheck out the upgradesBuild your empire

Giant Shaft Enterprises

Giant Shaft Enterprises - Play Idle Game
IdlerBuilding a giant enterprise is the aim of this game, where employees can be hired to earn you money and upgrades can be bought to improve their efficiency. The game is relatively simple, providing a list of achievements and a prestige system to improve the quality of future play throughs.


MegaCorporation - Play Idle Game
ClickerMega Corporation is a simple clicker that allows you to buy buildings to gather money and resources to improve the buildings.

Junction Gate

Junction Gate - Play Idle Game
Civ Builder, Clicker, RPGJunction Gate is an incremental resource management and strategy game. Your goal is to survive, gather resources, build out the Junction Gate station, and keep your population alive and happy.StoryThe station is called Junction Gate, a colony seed that never fully blossomed. You see plans for mines, habitat modules, research facilities, and shipyards. From the looks of it, however, station construction ground to a halt shortly after it began, with no immediate indication of what went wrong with the assembly bots. The barren and dusty planet below is Ninevah, about half the size Earth was before the Burning.ResourcesAs you first start out, you'll need to quickly gather resources to survive. The resources can be viewed in the Resources Panel in the upper right of your screen. Each resource functions slightly differently, and some can even go negative, so it's important to keep an eye on them during all stages of the game.There are 7 resources currently available:OreHelium3AirFoodCreditsEnergyPopulationTo produce more resources, you'll need to construct various facilities appropriate for each resource.CommandThe Command tab is where you manage Junction Gate's personnel and policies. Much of this functionality won't be present until you build governmental facilities. Be warned, the command decisions you make will have a profound impact on your game!PersonnelCommanders amplify the effect of your workers by providing them direction. Commanders each have different specialties and can only affect workers in their own department. By training your commanders, you can increase the impact they have on station personnel and decrease the liklihood that the commander will be killed if disaster strikes. You can only have up to four commanders at a time and they are assigned randomly as the story unfolds.Station personnel can be assigned to various departments in Junction Gate to supplement basic resource production. However, station personnel will not be assignable until governmental facilities have been built. Each worker equates to an additional unit of production.Station GovernanceThe Station Governance tab allows you to manage your station's social, military, and economic polices. Each policy will have an affect on your station itself, as well as affecting how the various factions interact with you. To see what a policy does, hover over the text for a description.EconomyThe Economy tab is where you'll manage your finances. As you progressively upgrade your facilities, you'll have access to investment funds, a stock market, and even a casino.InvestmentsEach level of investment will allow you to earn credits interest at set intervals based on the amount invested.Stock MarketOnce the stock market has been unlocked, you'll be able invest in corporations across the Commonwealth. Here are a few keys to investment:ScienceBuilding scientific facilities will allow you to perform research. Currently research is performed by paying credits, but this is likely to change in future versions.External LinksGame InstructionsSubredditTwitterFacebook

Creature Card Idle

Creature Card Idle - Play Idle Game
IdlerIdler meets TCG!Each card gives resources per second. Use resources to buy new packs of cards. Strategize by placing them most efficiently in the play area.Click the card you want to place, and then click where you want to place it.You can buy more cards on the Shop tab.Hold CTRL to place a card into multiple slots.Discord @

Canada Clicker

Canada Clicker - Play Idle Game
Clicker, IdlerTrain your Canadian skills!

Clicking FF7

Clicking FF7 - Play Idle Game
RPGClicking FF7 is a clicking game based on FF7 universe, where you have to power up your characters to fight enemy and go through the different zones to clear the game. "that's a different way to revisit ff7 story" -MenenciaExternal LinksChangelogSubreddit

Rat Clicker

Rat Clicker - Play Idle Game
RPGKill rats to gather xp and gold. XP raises your level and awards you skill points, gold can be spent on hiring minions to kill rats for you. Gather better equipment, health and mana potions, and eventually craft and use magic.Instructions* click rats to gain exp and gold* clicked rats deal you damange* if your life reaches 1 - you lose your gold* health is replenishing slowly* potions are dropping - drink them to restore health and mana* buy minions for gold, they attack for you but also die automatically (except dragons, dragons are immortal)* items are dropping, yellow ones(rare) are rarer and have chance to roll better stats than magic(blue) ones, legendary items are even more powerful* demonic items can only be crafted* equip staff to enable magic* you gain attrubutes to spend every 3 levels* defence decreases rats' damage* damage increases number of rats killed per click* magic unlocks different spells, increases their power and reduces mana costs* rats grow stronger every 10 levels* luck increases legendary item drop chance, 100 luck unlocks crafting* there are 6 crafting materials: magic coal, evil eye, scorpion claw, frog leg, angel feather (drop when crafting unlocked)* hotkeys: spells - 1,2,3,4,5 ; health potion(Q), mana potion (W)* demonic items are made from magic(blue) item + coal + other material* demonic item's power is based on magic(blue) item's power used to craft it* potion transmutation: 2 x magic gloves + magic staff (requires 20 health potions) = 20 mana potionsHealth and ManaThe health bar provides a cooldown effect on killing rats manually, providing you with 100 health total. While this total health cannot be upgraded, the player can improve the number of clicks by increasing their defense and offense using skill points, meaning that rats do less damage to the player, and the player kills more rats per click. Furthermore, equipment can modify these figures. If the player's health drops to 1, the player will lose all gold that they have collected up until that point.Mana is awarded once the player has managed to equip a staff. The level of the staff denotes the level of spells that the player can use. Each spell provides a different effect, from increasing the player's attack abilities to preventing the rats from hitting back for a specified period of time.EquipmentThere are 5 equipment slots available to the player: weapon, armour, helmet, staff, and gloves. Each of these provides a bonus to a particular stat. For example, a weapon will increase the damage stat of the player, meaning that more rats can be killed per click. As the player's level increases, so too does the level of items that drop.The player can also collect potions: health and mana. These will increase the current amount of health or mana that the player has, meaning that they don't need to wait for these to refill naturally.External LinksFacebook

Cosmos Quest

Cosmos Quest - Play Idle Game
Clicker, IdlerConquer Space and Time, collect energy and develop your Civilization from mere Caveman to powerful Posthuman beings that can change the fabric of Universe.Discover new ways to obtain energy and invent awesome machines to collect energy from all kind of sources.This game is based on the Kardashev Scale a theory about technological advanced based on the energy usage of a Civilization.

City Clicker

City Clicker - Play Idle Game
Civ Builder, ClickerA Javascript incremental city building game, inspired by SimCity. Balance Residential, Commercial, and Industrial zones, and their tax rates, to grow a megalopolis (starting by building one of each is recommended).


CivClicker - Play Idle Game
Civ Builder, ClickerThis game provides the ability to create a civilisation from the ground up. You are required to provide your population with basic resources, housing, advanced buildings, upgrades, and more. The ultimatum to the game is to build a wonder, and worship a god, then to start over, attempting to gain the effects of all the wonders together.ResourcesThere are a number of resources available to use.FoodWoodStoneSkinsHerbsOreLeatherPietyMetalGoldFood, wood, and stone are the basic building blocks of CivClicker. They allow buildings to be constructed and workers to be fed. These resources can either be manually collected by clicking or automatically collected by hiring workers to do so. It is a balance however, to ensure that workers have enough food to continue to work on the jobs that they are assigned without dying.Skins, herbs, and ore are randomly collected when gathering the above resources. They have a chance of being found, which can be upgraded later, and are used for more advanced things. Some are spent on higher tier buildings, while others are used for upgrades. Skins and ore, for example, can be converted into leather and metal by the appropriate workers and used on even higher tier purchases.Piety works a little differently, and is gathered by worshipping gods. Piety can be used for a number of upgrades and for constructing wonders (where all resources are required). All resources are intertwined to ensure that a careful balance is required amongst all of them to make the civilisation grow.Gold cannot be collected normally, and must be gathered through the use of the trade system. Traders will randomly arrive asking for a certain resource and will reward you 1 gold per transaction. They only remain for a short time, so gold is very scarce early game. It can, however, be used to speed up wonder construction, drastically reducing the amount of time it would normally take to build one.SicknessWorkers can get sick, and unfortunately, sick workers don't work. They can be healed, however, by using apothecaries and herbs. Each apothecary heals a number of workers per second, assuming that enough herbs are present. If workers remain sick, they can start to cause a problem, as the infection can spread and remove workers from harvesting food. If this happens, food production can dip, and the population are quickly starving to death.Dead bodies, if not quickly taken care of through the use of cemetaries, can quickly become a problem. Sickness can spread, and the population will quickly get angry, lowering their production.CombatSoldiers can be hired by providing them with the appropriate resources. Note that soldiers still consume food, and should still be considered when calculating food requirements. Soldiers can either be stationed in the civilisation or in the army. Their location affects how they affect the game.Soldiers in the city will defend against attacks. This includes wolves and barbarians.Soldiers assigned to the army will not defend against raids. These soldiers can only be used in raids against other civilisations. Raids can return happiness to your people or even a stash of resources. Note that siege engines cannot be moved out of the army.External LinksFAQWikiSubreddit

Doge Miner

Doge Miner - Play Idle Game
ClickerThe famous dog is back, mining for Dogecoins! Help him with gathering coins to buy upgrades like slave kittens or more mining dogs. Have fun with this fun idle game!

You Can Try These Idle Games

Hero Simulator: Idle Adventures

Hero Simulator: Idle Adventures - Play Idle Game
IdlerPsst, hero! Want to get some glory?Then you’re in a right place!What does it mean to be a hero?Defeat necromancers and harvest mushrooms, buy a wooden horse and a pet troll, join guilds and hire party members – all these heroic things you can do here!In this Epic Idle Adventure you will meet your heroic destiny!

Battle Blocks

Battle Blocks - Play Idle Game
ClickerAn epic tale of two blocks battling to their demise. The level of depth this game has is unmatched by even the biggest AAA titles. You will be amazed and dumbfounded by the amazing adventure you will undertake.

Goblin Treasure Hunt

Goblin Treasure Hunt - Play Idle Game
ClickerYour hero has gotten lost in a mysterious forest where he finds two suspicious chests. Little does he know that the chest to the right gives him gold coins every time he hits it, and the chest to the left holds an endless supply of rare items. Work your way up to the top and defeat all the gloomy monsters that want your treasure!